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为了发展国际合作和技贸结合,促进我国水产品加工事业,中国水产学会与中国科协国际科技会议中心将于今年11月29日至12月3日在广州科技中心联合举办“国际渔业展览会”,面积为3000m~2,目前已向有关国家和社团发出邀请。届时展览有水产制冷、加工流水线、各种熟食方便制品、藻类利用与水产药品等实 In order to develop the international cooperation and the combination of technology and trade and promote the cause of aquatic products processing in China, the Chinese Society of Fisheries and the International Science and Technology Conference Center of China Association for Science and Technology will jointly hold “International Fisheries Exhibition from November 29 to December 3 this year at Guangzhou Science and Technology Center ”, An area of ​​3000m ~ 2, has now sent an invitation to the countries and communities concerned. There will be aquatic products exhibition refrigeration, processing lines, a variety of cooked food products, algae and aquatic drugs
患者 女,35岁,G3P1。9年前顺娩足婴,7年前患葡萄胎,5年前孕40余天行人工流产术。不规则出血3月余,尿妊娠试验阳性,行诊刮术。术中未见绒毛组织,未送病理。术后淋漓出血月余,
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所谓遮目鱼苗,通常指后期仔鱼,全长10—17毫米,平均14毫米,当产卵期开始后2—3个星期,仔鱼游到近岸水域中索饵, The so-called milkfish hatchlings, usually refers to la
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
增氧机是鱼类养殖中的基本条件之一。但是怎样使用增氧机才能更好地发挥其效应呢?通常我们只是在发现鱼将浮头时才开用,但美 Aerator is one of the basic conditions in f