
来源 :中国艾滋病性病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:morpheus
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目的了解南京市医疗机构艾滋病病毒(HIV)检测及阳性转介的现状。方法采用统一的电子表格收集11家医疗机构HIV抗体检测相关记录,采用小组访谈法,对4家医疗机构相关医务人员和辖区内疾病预防控制中心的相关医务人员进行访谈。结果共收集203 539例HIV检测者的信息,初筛阳性272例。筛查阳性检出率为0.1%,初筛阳性告知率为92.6%,筛查阳性病例送确认检测的比例为95.2%,确认阳性网络直报比例为86.5%。访谈结果显示,有少量初筛阳性病人流失,主要原因有:病人信息收集不全,病人提供错误信息,病人拒绝二次抽血等。结论医疗机构亟须完善筛查检测和转介服务等环节,促进阳性病例的早发现、早确诊、早告知、早报告和早期随访管理。 Objective To understand the status of HIV testing and positive referrals in medical institutions in Nanjing. Methods A unified electronic form was used to collect records of HIV antibody testing in 11 medical institutions. Interviews were conducted with relevant medical staffs of 4 medical institutions and CDC centers under the group interview method. Results Totally 203 539 HIV test samples were collected and 272 were positive for primary screening. The positive detection rate of screening was 0.1%, the positive rate of positive screening was 92.6%, the positive rate of screening positive samples was 95.2%, and the positive rate of direct network confirmation was 86.5%. Interviews showed that a small number of positive patients first screening loss, mainly due to: incomplete collection of patient information, the patient provides the wrong message, the patient refused to take the second blood. Conclusion It is imperative for health care institutions to improve the screening and referral services so as to promote the early detection, early diagnosis, early notification, early report and early follow-up management of positive cases.
为比较2型糖尿病患者控释片与速释片药代动力学和药效动力学的差异,Chung M等人进行了一项开放,随机,双向交叉的研究(J Clin Pharmacol.2002Jun;42(6):651-7)。本研究分为每
Metformin, a biguanide derivative, is the most commonly prescribed medication in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. More recently, the use of metformin