唤醒沉睡大山 建造生态县城 武隆强势推进森林工程建设——访重庆市武隆县县长郭忠亮

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在“千里乌江”、“万里长江”的交汇地,有一个县,它拥有2个国家“AAAA”级旅游区、1个国家森林公园、1个国家风景名胜区、世界最大溶洞群、世界最大天生桥群、世界第二大天坑群以及重庆周边最大高山草原,它就是素有西部“明珠”之称的重庆市武隆县。近年来,全县紧紧围绕林业发展战略部署,抢抓林业重点工程,积极搞活林下经济和 There is a county which has 2 countries, “AAAA” grade tourist area, 1 national forest park, 1 national scenic area and the largest in the world in the crossroads of “Trinidad Wujiang River” and “Wanli Changjiang River” Cave group, the world’s largest Tianshengqiao group, the world’s second largest tiankeng group and the largest alpine grassland around Chongqing, it is known as the western “Pearl” of Wulong County in Chongqing. In recent years, the county closely around the strategic deployment of forestry development, seize the key forestry projects, actively under the forest economy and
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