
来源 :行政法学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hong2007quan
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澳门行政程序法典共设四大部分,第一部分为该法典的一般原则。澳门的行政程序不仅包括内部行政程序;而且包括外部行政程序。它给我们的启示是:内部行政程序法除了使行政机关工作体现效率原则外,更要注重行政机关内部程序的合法性与公开性,从而与外部行政程序注重行政相对人合法权益的保护衔接起来。澳门行政法典对行政程序法基本原则作了较全面的明确的规定,在十项基本原则中,其实最根本的是谋求公共利益与保护公民权益平衡原则,民主与效率协调兼顾原则。平等原则、公正原则、参与原则、诉诸司法机关原则均属民主原则大范畴,非官僚化原则及效率原则等均属效率原则大范围。笔者认为,澳门行政程序法典符合目前行政程序法基本发展趋势,既不是单纯韵控制模式(只强调行政机关管理效率),也不是单纯的控权模式(只强调公民参与及监督政府),而是通过民主与效率的结合达到公共利益与公民利益的协调与平衡。这一原则对目前大陆行政程序法典的起草很有借鉴意义。 The Macao Administrative Code has four major parts, the first part is the general principle of the Code. The administrative procedures in Macao include not only internal administrative procedures but also external administrative procedures. The enlightenment to us is that besides the principle of efficiency, the internal administrative procedural law should pay more attention to the legitimacy and openness of the internal procedures of the administrative organ so as to connect with the protection of the external administrative procedure that emphasizes the legitimate rights and interests of the administrative counterparts. . The Administrative Code of Macao has made more comprehensive and explicit provisions on the basic principles of the Administrative Procedure Law. The most fundamental of the 10 basic principles is the principle of seeking public interest and protecting the rights and interests of citizens, and the principle of harmony between democracy and efficiency. The principles of equality, fairness, participation and access to the judiciary all fall into the category of democratic principles. The principle of non-bureaucracy and the principle of efficiency all fall into the broad scope of the principle of efficiency. The author believes that the Code of Administrative Procedure of Macao complies with the basic development trend of the Administrative Procedure Law. It is neither a mere rhyme control mode (emphasis is placed on administrative efficiency of the administrative organs) nor a simple mode of power control (emphasis is placed on citizen participation and supervision of the government) Through the combination of democracy and efficiency to achieve the public interest and the interests of the public coordination and balance. This principle is of great reference to the drafting of the current code of administrative procedure in the Mainland.