今年高考(上海卷)历史学科命题是本着既符合高校选拔新生要求,又有利于中学历史教学的一贯指导思想,力图做到试题所涉及的知识范围、题型变式、分值比例严格控制在《考试说明》的规定之内,同时在降低试卷难度,注重能力考察和反拨历史教学方面作了一些探索。一、降低试卷难度 1.增加试题数量今年高考(上海卷)历史有72道试题,超过历年任何一次高考试题数量。与去年试卷比较:填充题增加1道、列举题增加1道、选择题增加16道。大幅度增加选择题是基于机器阅卷的需要。但深层的原因在于:(1)扩大知识覆盖面,提高高考信度。(2)选择题经多年的研究,对选择题的
This year’s college entrance examination (Shanghai Volume) historical subject proposition is in line with the consistent guiding ideology that meets the requirements of selecting freshmen in colleges and universities and is conducive to the teaching of history in middle schools. It strives to achieve a strict control over the range of knowledge, variation of questions, and proportion of scores involved in the questions. Within the provisions of the “exam description”, some explorations have been made at the same time in reducing the difficulty of examination papers, paying attention to the ability to investigate and recalling history teaching. First, reduce the difficulty of the examination paper 1. Increase the number of questions This year’s college entrance examination (Shanghai Volume) history has 72 questions, more than any previous high test number. Compared with last year’s test papers: Add 1 track to the title, 1 track to increase the number of questions, and 16 tracks to the multiple-choice questions. A substantial increase in multiple-choice questions is based on the need for machine marking. However, the underlying reasons are: (1) Expand knowledge coverage and improve college entrance examination reliability. (2) After multiple years of research on multiple-choice questions,