
来源 :中国国境卫生检疫杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的分析安徽口岸出国劳务人员非传染性疾病的分布情况。方法收集2015年在安徽国际旅行卫生保健中心办理国际旅行健康检查证明书的出国劳务人员13 529人的体检资料,统计体检异常结果情况。结果安徽口岸出国劳务人员的目的地主要是非洲国家(63.63%),男性远多于女性。4 804人的体检结果中存在1种或者多种异常,占总外派劳务人员的比例为35.54%。体检结果异常者中,40~50岁人群所占比例最大;异常情况中,最为常见的是高血压,其次为肾脏疾病。男性非传染性疾病的患病率高于女性;男性高血压、脂肪肝、肾脏疾病、肝功能异常检出率高于女性;女性贫血和尿常规异常检出率高于男性。结论应加强出国劳务人员心血管疾病、糖尿病、慢性呼吸道疾病等非传染性疾病的监测。 Objective To analyze the distribution of non-communicable diseases among laborers going abroad at Anhui Port. Methods The physical examination data of 13 529 overseas workers who handled the international travel health checkup certificate in Anhui International Travel Health Care Center in 2015 were collected, and the abnormal results of the physical examination were collected. As a result, the destination of migrant workers in Anhui port mainly came from African countries (63.63%), far more than females. There were 1 or more abnormalities in the physical examination results of 4 804 people, accounting for 35.54% of the total workforce dispatched. Among the abnormal physical examination results, 40 to 50-year-olds accounted for the largest proportion; in the most unusual cases, the most common was hypertension, followed by kidney disease. The prevalence rate of male non-communicable diseases is higher than that of females. The detection rate of male hypertension, fatty liver, kidney disease and liver dysfunction is higher than that of females. The prevalence of anemia and urine abnormalities in females is higher than that of males. Conclusion The monitoring of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases should be strengthened in overseas labors.
消除皱纹的妙法 1、沐浴法 首先用食指按住双眼内眦,每秒钟作强按压1次,共按压36次。然后用食指垂直按压双眼下部的承泣穴,每秒钟作强按压1次,共按压36次。最后用食指按压双
<正> 我父亲吴殿科先生年轻时患过肺病;后来被针炙误伤,左腿肌肉坏死,连做手术三次,几乎不能行走;60岁上还得过肾炎、高血压……然而,已年近九旬的父亲,现在却身体硬朗,精神
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