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概述接触镜研制的历史已有100余年,当初由于工业基础以及物质条件等限制,只能应用玻璃吹制,由于镜片厚而重,玻璃易破碎,对眼有一定危险,制作技术复杂,而价格昂贵,在临床使用上受到了一定的限制。1930年后期,发现了甲基丙烯酸甲酯(Polymethyl methaczylate-PMMA)后,很快应用到医药及光学工业上,并开始制成一种角巩膜接触镜—硬镜(Hard lens)。1947Kevin Tuohy用甲基丙烯酸甲酯,作成薄而轻,光学性能好的角膜接触镜,目前已发展成为直径7—8mm,厚0.1mm的小薄镜片,使接触镜有了飞跃的发展。一般认为硬接触镜能克服普通眼镜带来的一些缺点,如(1)戴眼镜后睑型的变化;(2)视野变窄,主要无晶体眼配戴高度凸镜片后,视野中有10°的环形暗点;(3)镜片哈气;(4)鼻梁及耳后压迫感,偶可发生过敏性皮炎;(5)物象有大小变化的感觉,如近视镜变小,远视镜变大。但硬接触镜也有缺点,戴用初期机械刺激性 Over the past 100 years history of contact lens research, initially due to industrial base and material constraints, the only application of glass blowing, due to the lens thick and heavy, easy to break the glass, the eye is a certain danger, the production of complex technology, and the price Expensive, subject to certain restrictions in clinical use. After the discovery of Polymethyl methaczylate-PMMA in the late 1930s, it was quickly applied to the pharmaceutical and optical industries and began to be made into a lens for the contact lens, the hard lens. 1947Kevin Tuohy Methyl methacrylate, made of thin and light, good optical properties of contact lenses, has now developed into a diameter of 7-8mm, 0.1mm thick small lenses, the contact lens has made leaps and bounds. Generally considered hard contact lenses to overcome some of the shortcomings brought by ordinary glasses, such as (1) changes in the type of eyelid wearing glasses; (2) narrowing of the field, the main aphakia wearing high degree of convex lens, the field of view of 10 ° (4) the nose and ears pressure, and even can occur atopic dermatitis; (5) the phenomenon of changes in the size of the object, such as myopia smaller, hyperopia larger. However, hard contact lenses also have shortcomings, wearing initial mechanical irritation
公益行政诉讼是为了排除传统的原告适格理论的阻却而在无传统诉权人的情况下 ,为公益目地而设定的一项救济制度 ,应通过纳入法律援助制度 ,设立前置程序 ,放宽原告起诉条件的
爱因斯坦曾经说过 :“兴趣是最好的老师。”这表明兴趣是学习的“激素”之一 ,它能使学生产生获取知识的一种强烈欲望。在课堂教学中 ,当教师充分唤起学生兴趣之后 ,就会获得
本文阐述了机械设计课程CAI发展的现状,分析了机械设计CAI的特点,探讨了如何尽快发展机械设计CAI的问题。 This article expounds the current situation of mechanical design course
1.癌病限于声带膜部,声带运动正常,采用喉裂开术及声带切除术,可获得85—98%的治愈率。 2.这种手术的应用已减少的原因为:(1)放疗的效果相似,而且可保持正常发声;(2)喉科医生
角膜移植术须要供眼以采取植片,供眼得来不易,而取得眼球后,保存以备手术也很困难。因此角膜移植术问世虽已很久,如1789年De Quengsy曾用玻片代替疤痕角膜,1878年Sellerbeck
我厂是生产矿用筛的专用厂。市场上出售SZ-18型手动润滑脂注入器,零部件制造精度高,结构较复杂,使用一段时间后易出现不密封,不出油等故障。 I plant is the production of
音响咽鼓管功能检查法(Perlman氏法,1939):将250赫100唠纯音送入外鼻孔,由外耳道收集音响,经过增幅器在记纹计上描记振幅和音压曲线。气流动态检查法(Olstersdorf法 Acoust