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中央人民政府委員會第二十次會議决議:‘於一九五三年召開由人民用普選方法產生的鄉、縣、省(市)各級人民代表大會,並在此基礎上接着召開全國人民代表大會。‘為了使全國年滿十八週歲的公民都能依法參加選舉,必須做好登記選民的工作。而選民的登記,又必須以人口登記為依據。因此應在選舉工作同時,舉行全國人口調查登記,以利選舉工作的進行,並為國家的經濟、文化建設,提供確實的人口數字。為完成這一工作,除頒發全國人口調查登記辦法、表式及填寫說明外,並作如下指示:一、全國人口調查登記工作,必須結合選民登記同時進行。為免重複與遺漏,確定以公曆一九五三年六月三十日(舊曆五月二十日)二十四時為全國人口調查登記的計算標準時間。所有調查登記工作應於九月底前全部完成。各縣、市轄區及不設區的市應將所轄地區人口彙總統計於十月底前報省、市;各省、市及中央直轄行政單位應將所轄區人口彙總統計於十一月十五日前報中央。二、負責人口調查登記工作的機構:中央由內務部會同有關部門成立全國人口調杳登記辦公室,統一領導全國人口調查登記工作。省(市)由民政廳(局)會同有關部門成立省(市)人口調查登記辦公室。縣、市轄區及不設區的市在各該人民政府之下成立人口調查登記辦公室。各級人口調查登 The 20th Plenary Session of the Central People’s Government Committee: "In 1953, the people’s congresses at all levels of the townships, counties, provinces (municipalities) and people’s governments at ordinary people levels established by the people through universal suffrage will be convened. On this basis, Congress. In order for all citizens over the age of eighteen to participate in the election in accordance with the law, the work of registering voters must be well done. The registration of voters must also be based on population registration. Therefore, at the same time as the election, a nationwide census registration should be held to facilitate the conduct of the election and to provide a real population figure for the country’s economic and cultural development. In order to accomplish this task, in addition to issuing the national census registration methods, forms and descriptions, the following instructions shall be made: 1. The national census registration must be conducted simultaneously with the registration of voters. To avoid repetition and omission, determine the standard time for registration of the National Population Census on June 30, 1953 (May 20, 1955). All survey registrations should be completed by the end of September. All counties, municipal districts and districts without districts shall submit summary statistics on the population under their jurisdiction to the provincial and municipal governments before the end of October; all provinces, municipalities and the directly administered central administrative departments shall summarize the population statistics of their respective districts before November 15 central. II. Institutions in charge of population survey registration: The Central Government shall, jointly with relevant departments, establish a national population adjustment registration office by the Ministry of the Interior and uniformly lead the registration of the whole country. Provincial (city) by the Civil Affairs Department (Bureau) together with the relevant departments to establish provincial (city) census register office. Counties, municipal districts and districts without the city under the People’s Government set up a census registration office. Census register at all levels