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应用15N示踪技术探讨了两系亚种间杂交稻PE037×0248和三系杂交组合汕优63对氮素的吸收特性与物质生产的关系。结果表明,两个组合对氮素的吸收均以中期最高(各占全生育期吸氮总量的65%左右)、前期次之、后期最少。两者吸氮速率高峰均在移栽后30d,两系杂交稻为472kgN·hm-2·d-1,三系杂交稻为480kgN·hm-2·d-1。对15N标记肥料氮的吸收随着生育期的推移而逐渐减少,而对土壤氮的吸收则相反。稻株全生育期吸氮总量,约20%来源于当季所施用的肥料,80%来源于土壤。两者氮素在稻株体内的分配比例存在差异,在稻草中的分配比例,两系杂交稻高于三系杂交稻,而在稻谷中的分配比例,两系杂交稻则低于三系杂交稻。各生育期干物质积累量与氮素积累量呈极显著正相关,两系杂交稻相关系数为09621,三系杂交稻为09444。两个组合干物质积累均以中期最高(各占全生育期的60%左右)、后期次之、前期最少。干物质积累速率的高峰均在移栽后40d,前者为39930kg·hm-2·d-1,后者为37290kg·hm-2·d-1。干物质积累总量,两系杂交稻高于三系杂交稻,而稻谷产量两系杂交稻则低于三系杂交稻。 15N tracing technique was used to investigate the relationship between nitrogen absorption characteristics and material production of two cross between subspecies hybrid rice PE037 × 0248 and three-line hybrid Shanyou 63. The results showed that the two combinations all had the highest mid-term nitrogen uptake (accounting for about 65% of the total nitrogen uptake during the whole growth period), with the lowest in the first and the second. The peak of N uptake rate was 30 days after transplanting, 472kgN · hm-2 · d-1 for two-line hybrid rice and 480kgN · hm-2 · d-1 for three-line hybrid rice. The absorption of 15N labeled fertilizer nitrogen decreased gradually with the growth period, while the absorption of soil nitrogen was the opposite. About 20% of the total nitrogen uptake during the whole growth period of rice plants is from the fertilizers applied in the season and 80% from the soil. The distribution proportion of nitrogen in rice plants was different. The distribution proportion of rice in two-line hybrid rice was higher than that of three-line hybrid rice, while the distribution proportion in two-line hybrid rice was lower than that in three-line hybrid rice rice. There was a significant positive correlation between dry matter accumulation and nitrogen accumulation at each growth stage. The correlation coefficient of two-line hybrid rice was 09621 and that of three-line hybrid rice was 09444. The dry matter accumulation of the two combinations were the highest in the middle period (about 60% of the total growth period respectively), followed by the latter period, with the least in the early period. The peak of dry matter accumulation rate was 40 days after transplanting, the former was 39930kg · hm-2 · d-1 and the latter was 37290kg · hm-2 · d-1. Total dry matter accumulation, two-line hybrid rice than three-line hybrid rice, and two-line hybrid rice yield was lower than three-line hybrid rice.
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