来源 :Abstracts of Chinese Geological Literature | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beyond870402
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sedimentary environment.Based on the de-formation feature of the syngenetie elast,theauthor believes that the ShuangqiaoshanGroup in this area has undergone two phasesof deformation:the regional fold deformat一ondominated by flattening and duetile shear d sedimentary environment. Based on the de-formation feature of the syngenetie elast, the author believes that the ShuangqiaoshanGroup in this area has undergone two phases of deformation: the regional fold deformat- ondominated by flattening and duetile shear d
目前,二语学习策略备受教师和学生关注。本文涉及学习策略的概念,讨论了学习策略的分类,概括了学习策略的重要性,并针对教学现状提出几点建议。 Currently, second language
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