
来源 :西南大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songfenhao3
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一定时代的技术发展,必然对一定时代的文化发展起到影响,技术进步促进旧有的文化传统实现文化扬弃,进一步促进文化新质的产生,形成文化形态的升级换代。中国侠文化拥有悠久的历史传统,在古典时代主要表现为社会生活、文学想象和艺术展演等形态。现代影像技术的进步促生了武侠电影,从早期的电影特技到后期的数字奇观,武侠电影取得了突出的市场成就,成为国产“大片”的代 Technological development in a certain period of time will inevitably have an impact on the cultural development in a certain period of time. Technological progress will promote the old cultural traditions to achieve cultural abandonment, further promote the emergence of new cultural qualities, and lead to the upgrading and replacement of cultural forms. Chinese Chivalry has a long history of tradition, in the classical era mainly for the social life, literary imagination and artistic performance and other forms. The advancement of modern imaging technology has given birth to martial arts films. From the early film stunts to the later digital wonders, martial arts films have made outstanding market achievements and become the domestically produced “blockbusters”
<正> 1981年,世界图书馆与情报服务继续受到缩减经费和不增加预算的压力,这反映了经济衰退和世界经济总的状况.因此,各国图书馆集中全力维护预算和保持现有的服务
D .V .格里菲恩等人对有限元法 (FEM )和极限平衡法(LEM)在二维条件下计算获得的边坡安全系数作了各种数值比较。他们得出结论 ,在估算边坡安全系数方面 ,采用弹塑 (Mohr-Coulomb)本构模型的FEM是一
1967年,世界性的科技情报系统——世界科学技术情报系统(Universal Infomati=SysTem Science and Technology简称UNISIST)建立。其书目著录工作小组意识到需要有一种能被世
1 概况崇明岛位于长江口,是我国的第三大岛,它是一个典型的河口沙岛,三面环江,东濒东海,砥柱中流,镇守着长江的门户,素有“东海瀛洲”之称。界于东经121°09′31″~121°54′
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