Sol-Gel Method for Preparation of LiLaNiO/γ-Al_2O_3 Catalyst over Monoliths used in POM Reaction

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gebmmi
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A new method for preparing LiLaNiO/γ(-Al_2O_3 monolithic catalyst was described and discussed. The catalyst, which was supported over the monolith, was evaluated in a POM to syngas process. Relative stable catalytic properties during the 120 hours operation at atmospheric pressure were found for the catalyst. Under the high space velocity of 9.0×10~4l/(kg·(h)(CH_4), the conversion of methane came to 95.5%, and the selectivity of carbon monoxide was not below 96.0% at 1123K when ratio of the feedstock (CH_4/O_2) was equal to 2.0. A new method for preparing LiLaNiO / γ (-Al_2O_3 monolithic catalyst was described and discussed. The catalyst, which was supported over the monolith, was was evaluated in a POM to syngas process. Relative stable catalytic properties during the 120 hours operation at atmospheric pressure were Under the high space velocity of 9.0 × 10-4 l / (kg · (h) (CH 4), the conversion of methane came 95.5%, and the selectivity of carbon monoxide was not below 96.0% at 1123K when ratio of the feedstock (CH_4 / O_2) was equal to 2.0.
By using the iterative method in functional theory, an analytic expression of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PB eq.), which describes the distribution of the p
版权大剧推荐:  《好先生》  播出平台:乐视视频  播出时间:2016年5 月30日  导演:张晓波  编剧:李潇、于淼、张英姬  主演:孙红雷、江疏影、王耀庆、车晓  简介:陆远(孙红雷饰),一个在美国打拼、成为米其林三星餐厅主厨的中国汉子,在大多数人眼里他是个“混世魔王”,活得恣意,放浪形骸;在爱人眼中他却绝对是位另类“好先生”,专一长情又善良。美国那场恶梦般的车祸没能要了他的命,倒是让他越
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