Fosfomycin Resistance in Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli Isolates

来源 :Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caiaikai
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Fosfomycin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, is very important in the clinic but many fosfomycin-resistant bacteria have been isolated from patients. In this study, the resistance mechanism of three fosfomycin-resistant avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) strains (JE1, IF7 and CD11) isolated from septicemic chickens were analyzed. The results showed that their fosfomycin-resistance mechanisms were different. An alteration in the glpT transport system was the main reason of the fosfomycin-resistance mechanisms of strain IF7. Compared with the control stain BL21, the capacity of fosfomycin-uptake was low in all these three stains (JE1>IF7>CD11). Sequence results of murA showed that there were more than 10 sites of nucleotide mutation, but only one amino acid mutation T116A showed in CD11. Real-time detection test showed that the expression level of the murA gene of the three stains was significantly increased (four times increase in strain CD11 and two times increase in strains JE1 and IF7). The transformation and recombinant test showed that the recombinant bacteria with the murA of JE1 and CD11 showed high minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) against fosfomycin. From the results of this research, it showed that most of the fosfomycin-resistance mechanisms once showed in patient bacteria have appeared in the APEC strains and the fosfomycin-resistance mechanism of the three APEC isolates was different. Fosfomycin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, is very important in the clinic but many fosfomycin-resistant bacteria have been from patients. In this study, the resistance mechanism of three fosfomycin-resistant avian pathogenic The results showed that their fosfomycin-resistance mechanisms were different. The alteration in the glpT transport system was the main reason of the fosfomycin-resistance mechanisms of strain IF7. Compared with the control stain BL21, the capacity of fosfomycin-uptake was low in all these three stains. Sequence results of murA showed that there were more than 10 sites of nucleotide mutation, but only one amino acid mutation T116A showed in CD11. Real-time detection test showed that the expression level of the murA gene of the three stains was significantly increased (four times increase in strain the CD11 and two times increase in strains JE1 and IF7). The transformation and recombinant test showed that the recombinant bacteria with the murA of JE1 and CD11 showed high minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) against fosfomycin. From the results of this research, it showed that most of the fosfomycin-resistance mechanisms once showed in patient bacteria have had in the APEC strains and the fosfomycin-resistance mechanism of the three APEC isolates was different.
摘要:我们在教学中要不断的总结,不断的改进教学方法,优化课堂教学过程,积极充分调动学生的积极性,激发并培养学生学习的兴趣,使学生充分享受学习历史的兴趣,真正从内心深处体会学习的愉快。  关键词:初中;历史兴趣;总结;探究  托尔斯泰曾经说过:“成功的教育所需要的不是强制,而是激发学生的积极性。”正所谓“乐学之下无负担。”学生对某一学科兴趣如何,直接影响学习效果,因此,为了使学生产生学习兴趣,必须创
目的 :探讨 mini- RK的疗效。方法 :随访 mini- RK术后 117眼 6~ 12个月。 mini- RK采取深度一致的 ,从角膜周边 8mm至中心视区 3mm的向心性切口 ,切口长 2 .5 mm。结果 :术前