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在化学教学中实施素质教育,促进学生全面发展,是贯彻落实中共中央、国务院《关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》中提出的“应试教育向素质教育转轨,全面实施素质教育”这一要求的具体体现。但在实际的教学过程中,体现的还是应试教育,能真正落实素质教育要求的教学活动不是很多,即使有,也只是聋子的耳朵摆样子而已,也就如“黑板上治污、粉笔打农药”等等。笔者在农村初中从事化学教学工作十余年,就农村初中化学的素质教育,有一些看法,现将其概括总结,与大家共同探讨,但愿对农村初中化学的素质教育能有一点帮助。 Implementing quality education in chemistry teaching to promote students’ all-round development is to implement the “Decision on Deepening Education Reform and Promoting Quality Education in a Comprehensive Way in the Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.” Transition from exam-oriented education to quality education and full implementation of quality education.“ The specific embodiment of this requirement. However, in the actual teaching process, it is still an exam-oriented education. There are not many teaching activities that can truly fulfill the requirements of quality education. Even if there are, only the ears of the deaf person will look like they are. Pesticide ”and so on. The author engaged in chemistry teaching in rural junior high school for more than ten years. He has some views on the quality education of rural junior high school chemistry. Now he summarizes it and discusses it with everyone. I hope that the quality education of rural junior high school chemistry can help a little.
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今年九月六日,四川省高级人民法院刑事审判庭在冕宁县公开审理了吕秀兰故意杀人案,判处杀人犯吕秀兰死刑,剥夺政治权利终身。吕秀兰不服判决,要 On September 6 this year,
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例6如图1,在正△ABC中,P、Q、R分别是边AB、AC、BC的中点,点M在RC上,点S在边AC右侧,并且△PMS是 Example 6 In Figure 1, in positive △ ABC, P, Q, R are the midpoints o
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