近年来国内几类药物的研究和生产的进展 避孕药物

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值兹中华人民共和国建国35周年之际,回顾我国医疗保健事业的飞跃发展,作为医药工业研究工作者,特别感到欢欣鼓舞,展望未来更觉豪情满怀。在建国30周年时,作者等曾分别编写了介绍解放以来我国医药工业有关领域的科研和生产战线取得的伟大成就。1983年又对较近期祖国医药工业的成就与其发展,进行了概述,撰写了“合成药物概况和发展”一文[本刊1983,(10):25]。现在我们决定再选择几类药物偏重在合成方面,对其研究、生产的概况,从不同侧面作简要的综述,借以反映近五年来的阶段性发展过程。 On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, reviewing the rapid development of China’s medical and healthcare undertakings, as a research worker in the pharmaceutical industry, is particularly pleased and encouraged by the prospect of a more prosperous future. During the 30th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the authors wrote respectively the great achievements made in the research and production front of the pharmaceutical industry in China since the liberation. In 1983, an overview of the achievements and developments of the more recent pharmaceutical industry in the motherland was given and a paper entitled “Overview and Development of Synthetic Drugs” was published [1983, (10): 25]. Now we have decided to re-select a few types of drugs, which are biased in terms of synthesis. We will give a brief overview of their research and production from different aspects in order to reflect the phased development in the past five years.
【处方】每片内含量野冬青(四季青) 0.125克薄荷油 0.00075克薄荷脑 0.0005克糖粉等辅料适量【作用特点】野冬青是抗菌谱较广的植物性抗菌药,用为含片,使与口腔及咽喉病患部
有关钙离子(Ca~(++))在生理生化方面的作用及研究进展,各教科书中俯拾皆是。但较系统的概括性地对于 Ca~(++)生理生化作用的详尽论述,却为数不多。本文仅试图把 Ca~(++)从生
配製10%果糖酸鈣注射液時,在加压釜中消毒後,時有混濁的現象。經加少許鹽酸或四醋酸二氨基乙烯(Ethylene-diamine tetra acetic acid)防止此种現象的生成,均歸失敗。推其原
Objective: To discuss the expression of long noncoding RNA TUG1(lnc RNA-TUG1) in gastric carcinoma(GC) and its effects on the transferring and invading capacity
目的确定MR扩散加权成像(DWI)信号强度(SI)及表观扩散系数(ADC)简单测量评估局部进展期直肠癌(LARC)病人新辅助放化疗(CRT)后完全缓解(CR)的诊断作 Objective To determine