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在出口受挤压、消费难有较大改观的情况下,中国经济要保持增长,仍然要依靠投资,保持较高的投资率仍是重启经济增长的主要手段。而长达20年来的高储蓄,为投资增长提供了有利基础。中国经济2009年将呈现介 Under the circumstances that exports are squeezed and consumption is hard to be greatly improved, China’s economy will still need to rely on investment to maintain its growth. Maintaining a high investment rate is still the main means of restarting its economic growth. The high savings of 20 years have provided a good foundation for investment growth. China’s economy will be presented in 2009
法国Welcom International公司推出一种称为Unicooker的家用红外炉。它基于热传导、热辐射及热传递相结合的烹烧机理,一部分红外辐射直接烹烧食品表面外,大部分热通过有盖烧
PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety of intravitreous ovine hyaluronidase for the management of vitreous hemorrhage. DESIGN: Two prospective, randomized, placebo-con
Synthesis and characterization of the copolymers(PAG) ofα-methyl styrene(AMS) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) are presented.The copolymers of PAG were characte
The hydrosilylation of alkenes with triethoxysilane has been achieved at 120 C in the presence of 0.01 mol%of thioetherfunctionalized MCM-41 anchored rhodium co
Background: Parvovirus B19 causes erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) in children. The virus has been associated with several autoimmune diseases and has been