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从上个世纪初以来的一百年间,浙江大地上著名的作家诗人可以说是迭出不穷。本栏首次把目光投向钱塘江畔、西子湖滨这块美丽的土地,向读者隆重推出第五届“茅盾文学奖”得主王旭烽。王旭烽的文学创作始于20年前她刚刚迈出大学门槛之际。二十年来。从获“茅盾文学奖”的“茶人三部曲”到最近颇引人瞩目的“西湖十景”小说(诸如《柳浪闻莺》、《雷峰夕照》等等)。从历史散文《走读浙江》到越剧《天一阁》,她的创作成果相当丰硕而多样,给浙江文坛以至全国文坛带来了一股来自西子湖畔清新而温柔的风,显示出一个正在走向成熟的善于把历史与文学交融在一起,善于赋予江南文化以新的审美品格的女作家的魅力。王旭烽又是位社会活动家和卓越的文学活动组织者。她热情、爽朗、朴实、细心。利用诸多的社会关系,办成了像建设江南文学会馆这样有益于文学界同仁的大量好事、实事,用她炽热的心为越来越边缘化的文学燃起希望之火。在这儿,我们不仅编发了王旭烽谈及“茶人三部曲”的创作谈和谈论她小说创作的访谈录。还约请她的几位朋友,尤其是她的老朋友、新任《江南》杂志主编袁敏一起来聊王旭烽的为人与为文,以便让读者从中更多地了解她。希望这一组文字能得到广大读者的喜爱。 One hundred years since the beginning of the last century, famous writers and poets on the land of Zhejiang can be said to have emerged one after another. This column for the first time to look toward the Qiantang River, West Lake, this beautiful land, to the reader grand launch of the fifth “Mao Dun Literature Award ” winner Wang Xu Feng. Wang Xufeng’s literary creation began two decades ago when she had just taken the college threshold. Twenty years ago. From the Tea Trilogy won by the Mao Dun Literature Award to the most recent notable West Lake novels such as Liu Lang Wen Ying, Leifeng Xi Zhao and so on. From the historical essay “Walk in Zhejiang” to Yue opera “Tianyi Pavilion”, her creative achievements are quite rich and varied, bringing a fresh and gentle wind from the West Lake to the Zhejiang literary world and the national literary world, showing that one is going to mature The good at the history and literature together, good at giving Jiangnan culture with a new aesthetic character of the female writer’s charm. Wang Xu Feng is also a social activist and excellent literary organizer. Her enthusiasm, hearty, simple, careful. Using so many social relations, it has done a great deal of good deeds and practical things that benefit the literary colleagues such as the Jiangnan Literature Center, and has used her glowing heart to spark the fire of hope for the increasingly marginalized literature. Here, we not only edited Wang Xufeng’s talk about the creation of the “Trilogy of Tea People” and interviews with her fiction writing. Also invited her friends, especially her old friend, the new “Gangnam” magazine editor Yuan Min together to talk about Wang Xu Feng’s man and the text, so that readers can learn more about her. I hope this group of texts can get the readers love.