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目的创新和普及一种快速急救治疗便秘的方法—肛周挤压法,促进大众健康,提高生活质量。方法总结个人解决便秘生活实践,得出快速急救治疗便秘的方法,肛周挤压法。结果肛周挤压法的步骤简单,便秘时用手指触摸肛周,手指能感知肛门内干结的大便,然后用手指轻轻的挤压肛门内干结的大便,很快,便意会再次出现,挤压时,主要用拇指、食指、中指适当散开向肛门中心轴挤压,无名指和小指及拇指、食指、中指相协调,使肛门内干结的大便和肛门不能偏离太大的距离,以挤压时不感觉难受为止,通过挤压,便意会再次出现,很可能此次便意,就能把干结的大便排出。在操作时,肛周挤压法有注意事项需引起重视。结论肛周挤压法的科学理论基础可靠,肛周挤压法的优点多,易于操作和普及,利于促进大众健康,提高生活质量,值得参考应用和大众普及。 Objective To innovate and popularize a rapid first aid treatment of constipation - perianal extrusion method to promote public health and improve quality of life. Methods Summarize the individual practice of constipation life, come to rapid first aid treatment of constipation method, perianal extrusion method. Results perianal extrusion method is simple, constipation with your fingers touch the perianal, fingers can sense the dry stool in the anus, and then gently squeeze the anus with your fingers dry stool, and soon, it will appear again, crowded Pressure, mainly with the thumb, index finger, middle finger properly spread to the central axis of the anal squeeze, ring finger and little finger and thumb, index finger, middle finger are coordinated so that the anal stool and anus can not deviate too much distance to squeeze When you do not feel uncomfortable so far, through the squeeze, it will mean again, it is likely the meaning of this, you can put dry stool discharge. In operation, there are precautions perianal extrusion need attention. Conclusion Perianal extrusion method is reliable in scientific theory. Perianal extrusion method has many advantages, which are easy to operate and popularize. It is good for promoting public health and improving quality of life. It is worthy of reference application and public popularization.
〔本刊讯〕 在 8月 23日于辽宁营口,国家农业部组织有关专家对行业标准《秸秆气化供气系统技术条件及验收规范》 (送审稿 )进行了审定。该标准经批准后将公布实施。   该标