Zinc tartrate oriented hydrothermal synthesis of microporous carbons for high performance supercapac

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A novel zinc tartrate oriented hydrothermal synthesis of microporous carbons was reported. Zinc–organic complex obtained via a simple chelation reaction of zinc ions and tartaric acid is introduced into the networks of resorcinol/formaldehyde polymer under hydrothermal condition. After carbonization process, the resultant microporous carbons achieve high surface area(up to 1255 m~2/g) and large mean pore size(1.99 nm) which guarantee both high specific capacitance(225 F/g at 1.0 A/g) and fast charge/discharge operation(20 A/g) when used as a supercapacitor electrode. Besides, the carbon electrode shows good cycling stability, with 93% capacitance retention at 1.0 A/g after 1000 cycles. The welldesigned and high-performance microporous carbons provide important prospects for supercapacitor applications. A novel zinc tartrate oriented hydrothermal synthesis of microporous carbons was reported. Zinc-organic complex obtained via a simple chelation reaction of zinc ions and tartaric acid is introduced into the networks of resorcinol / formaldehyde polymer under hydrothermal conditions. carbons achieve high surface area (up to 1255 m ~ 2 / g) and large mean pore size (1.99 nm) which guarantee both high specific capacitance (225 F / g at 1.0 A / g) and fast charge / discharge operation / g) when used as a supercapacitor electrode. Besides, the carbon electrode shows good cycling stability, with 93% capacitance retention at 1.0 A / g after 1000 cycles. The welldesigned and high-performance microporous carbons provide important prospects for supercapacitor applications.
测量了298.15~328.15 K温度范围内四丁基氟化铵在20(wt)%~80(wt)%H2O/DMF混合溶液中的电导率,测得的电导率分别通过Kray-Bray方程和Shedlovsky方程分析,推导出了四丁基氟化铵
系统性红斑狼疮 (SLE)是一种全身性慢性进行性自身免疫性疾病 ,其病因至今仍不十分清楚 ,其发生与多种因素有关 ,性激素水平异常是发病的重要因素之一 ,本文着重阐述脱氢表雄酮
欧洲汽车制造商协会ACEA(Association des Constructeurs Européens d'Automobiles)公布数据称,去年欧盟27国轻型车注册量同比下跌8.2%至1,205万辆,为17年来新低。2012
我院哮喘科于 1997年 10月至 2 0 0 0年 10月采用咳喘净针背部穴位注射治疗支气管哮喘急性发作 146例 ,获得满意疗效 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料1·1 病例选择 所选 2 14例
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