团头鲂是一种野生的草食性鱼类,是我国特有的淡水养殖品种。 60年代初我国科技工作者易伯鲁等对团头鲂的繁殖、饲养管理方法等进行了研究,证明团头鲂可以作为新的养殖对象。 80年代已在南方很多省、市大面积推广养殖,并取得了很好的养殖效果。北方地区池塘养殖团头鲂起步晚
Bream is a wild herbivorous fish, is our unique freshwater aquaculture species. In the early 1960s, Yi Beilu, a science and technology worker in China, conducted a study on the breeding, feeding and management methods of Bokidawu, which proved that bream can serve as a new breeding target. 80’s in many southern provinces, municipalities to promote large-scale breeding, and achieved good breeding effect. Pond farming ponds in the northern region started late