Congenital hypothyroidism as a risk factor for hearing and parents’ knowledge about its impact on he

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Aim: To evaluate the hearing of children with congenital hypothyroidism (CH) and to analyze the knowledge that parents’ have on the possible auditory impacts of the disease. Methods: A total of 263 parents/guardians were interviewed about aspects of CH and hearing. Audio-logical evaluation was performed on 80 participants, divided into two groups: with CH (n= 50) and without CH (n=30). Clinical and laboratory CH data were obtained from medical records, pure tone auditory thresholds and acoustic reflexes were analyzed. The auditory data was compared between groups. Student’s t-test and Chi-square were used for statistical analysis at a significance level of 5% (p≤0.05). Results: The majority (78%), of the parents were unaware that CH when not treated early is a potential risk to hearing. There was no correlation between socioeconomic class and level of information about CH and hearing (p>0,05;p=0.026). There was a statistically significant difference between the auditory tone thresholds of the groups and between the levels of intensity necessary for the triggering of the acoustic reflex. The group with CH presented the worst results (p≤0.05) and absence of acoustic reflex in a normal tympanometric condition. Conclusions: Children with CH are more likely to develop damage to the auditory system involving retrocochlear structures when compared to healthy children, and that the disease may have been a risk factor for functional deficits without deteriorating hearing sensitivity. The possible impacts of CH on hearing, when not treated early, should be more publicized among the parents/guardians of this population.
目的探讨胸部CT定位像扫描参数(X射线管投照角度和管电压)的选择对图像质量和辐射剂量的影响规律,为临床实践中成像参数的选择提供指导。方法选择不同扫描参数对成人胸部拟人模体进行定位像采集,X射线管投照角度(0°、90°和180°)、管电压(70、80、100、120和140 kV)和管电流(25 mA)共15种组合。根据所得定位像进行胸部螺旋扫描,扫描条件为Assist kV、Smart mA(设备
目的 估算在特定照射条件下不同年龄段儿童接受心血管介入诊疗时主要器官的受照剂量和有效剂量,探讨影响估算受照剂量的主要因素.方法 基于国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)第143号
咭噜猪病了,我们 应该去看看他_ 嗓 躺着另弓动,只 要张嘴就行了 翘 ( 掇 麟 …腻羹 〕我们仓鼠 :把找来的食物 三藏在腮帮子里, ;回到家一拍就 掉出来了 }你嚼嚼’ }有花生
目的 研究乳铁蛋白对放射性肺损伤的防护作用.方法 将15只C57BL/6 J小鼠按随机数表法分为健康对照组、15 Gy照射组(单纯照射组)和乳铁蛋白联合15 Gy照射组(联合组),每组5只.
目的 探索优化胞质分裂阻滞实验方案用于辐射诱导核质桥分析的可行性,为以核质桥为指标进行生物剂量估算提供科学依据.方法 用2 Gy60Co γ射线(剂量率为1 Gy/min)照射人离体
目的探讨低管电压扫描方案在CT泪囊造影成像中的可行性。方法采用拟人头颈部模体,将对比剂(碘海醇)与盐水1∶3混合液置于模体鼻翼一侧模拟泪囊。分别采用80、100、120和140 kV对模体进行扫描,每种管电压选择相应的mAs使设备显示的容积CT剂量指数(CTDIvol)分别为10、15、20、25、30、35和40 mGy。结合对每组图像的客观评价,以临床扫描参数120 kV/180 mAs的对比
目的 探讨宫颈癌腔内联合组织间插植近距离放射治疗中卵圆体的剂量学贡献.方法 选取2015-2017年间在吉林大学中日联谊医院接受根治性放射治疗的局部晚期宫颈癌患者20例,患者
说起人类的发明,也许最早的就应该是制陶了。我这里说的是人类,不专指哪个民族或国家。  能永恒留下色彩的恐怕也只有陶上的彩和瓷上的釉,即便它成了残器、碎片。  “这里蕴藏着几千年前人类文明的讯息,想靠近他们吗?远古彩陶让现代人捕捉到了一点可能。”(郭艺语)五千年的中华文明,正是由这些瓶瓶罐罐作为印记,碎瓷、陶片铸就了漫漫人类文明长链的环环扣扣。  我曾在东南亚国家华裔家庭的居室里见到,他们用藤条围编