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国家公务员制度的主要目标,在于为政府各部门提供数量足够的和高质量的人力资源。建立和推行公务员制度,必须从新科学技术革命着眼,必须站在人力资源开发的高度,以开发高层次人力资源──国家公务员等为重点。当代人类社会文明发展所依赖的战略资源已发生根本转变──由物力资源转向人力资源,人力资源成为“第一资源”,人力资源的开发成为当代竞争的关键。 The main objective of the national civil service is to provide a sufficient number of government departments with high-quality human resources. The establishment and implementation of the civil service system must be focused on the revolution of new science and technology and must be based on the development of human resources to focus on the development of high-level human resources - national civil servants. The strategic resources on which the development of human civilization depends at present have undergone fundamental changes - from material resources to human resources, and human resources become the “first resources”. The development of human resources has become the key to contemporary competition.
周政办[2009]61号各县(市、区)人民政府,市人民政府各部门:《周口市安全生产“三项行动”实施方案》、已经市政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真组织实施。 Zhou Zheng Ban [2009
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本文主要分析了石油价格及成品油价格上涨给中国造成的通胀压力和经济增长压力,进而推测中央政府为减轻压力而将会采取的应对政策。 This article mainly analyzes inflatio
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