Breakup Structure of Two-phase Jets with Various Momentum Flux from a Porous Injector

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lowsong1
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Spray structure and atomization characteristics were investigated through a comparison of a porous and a shear coaxial injector. The porous injector shows better atomization performance than the shear coaxial injector. To increase atomization performance and mixing efficiency of two-phase jets, a coaxial porous injector which can be applicable to liquid rocket combustors was designed and tested. The characteristics of atomization and spray from a porous and a shear coaxial injector were characterized by the momentum flux ratio. The breakup mechanism of the porous injector is governed by Taylor-Culick flow and axial shear forces. Momentum of injected gas flow through a porous material which is composed of sintered metal is radically transferred to the center of the liquid column, and then liquid column is effectively broken up. Although the shapes of spray from porous and shear coaxial jets were similar for various momentum ratio, spray structures such as spray angle and droplet sizes were different. As increasing the momentum flux ratio, SMD from the porous injector showed smaller value than the shear coaxial injector The porous injector shows better atomization performance than the shear coaxial injector. To increase atomization performance and mixing efficiency of two-phase jets, a coaxial porous injector which The characteristics of atomization and spray from a porous and a shear coaxial injector were characterized by the momentum flux ratio. The breakup mechanism of the porous injector is governed by Taylor-Culick flow and axial shear forces. Momentum of injected gas flow through a porous material which is composed of sintered metal is radically transferred to the center of the liquid column, and then liquid column is effectively broken up. Although the shapes of spray from porous and shear coaxial jets were similar for various momentum ratio, spray structures such as spray angle and droplet sizes w As increasing the momentum flux ratio, SMD from the heavier injector than the shear coaxial injector
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