完善农村公路网 服务建设新农村

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建设社会主义新农村,是党中央、国务院根据我国经济社会发展的阶段特点。为解决“三农”问题而作出的重大决策。按照“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的要求,通过综合建设,最终目标是把农村建设成为经济繁荣、设施完善、环境优美、文明和谐的社会主义新农村。这一重大决策为“十一五”时期的农村公路建设提供了新的历史机遇。农村公路网是农村地区最主要甚至是一些地区惟一的交通网络,是关系到农民群众的生产、生活,关系到农村经济社会发展,关系到全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会的重要基础设施。农村公路发展了,可以改善农村运输条件和投资环境,促进农村生产发展;可以增加农民收入,扩大农民就业,促进农民生活宽裕;可以加快农村信息传播和对外交流,改变传统的生产生活方式和思想观念,激发农民自力更生、奋发图强、实现全面小康的积极性。 Building a new socialist countryside is the stage characteristic of the Party Central Committee and the State Council in accordance with the economic and social development of our country. To make major decisions to solve the “three rural issues.” Through the comprehensive construction, the ultimate goal is to build the countryside into a new socialist one with prosperous economy, perfect facilities, beautiful environment and civilized harmony, in accordance with the requirements of “production development, well-to-do life, civilized rural areas, clean and tidy villages and democratic management” Countryside. This major policy has provided a new historical opportunity for rural road construction during the 11th Five-Year Plan period. The rural road network is the only transportation network in the most important and even some areas of rural areas. It relates to the production and living of the peasant masses, to the economic and social development in the rural areas, and to the important infrastructures related to building an overall well-to-do society and building a harmonious society. The development of rural roads can improve rural transport conditions and investment environment and promote the development of rural production. It can increase peasants’ incomes, expand peasants’ employment and promote peasants’ well-being. They can speed up rural information dissemination and external exchanges and change traditional production and life styles and ideas Concept, inspire peasants to become self-reliant and work hard to achieve the goal of an overall well-to-do society.
长这么大商毅接触最多的颜色肯定 是绿色。球场是绿的,回国后初登甲赛 场就穿上了北京国安队的绿色队服。商毅 说;“我喜欢国安队;球迷、俱乐部、教练和 队友对我都非常好,在北京
如果踢球的人都是星星,那么,普通的球员是小星 星,甲A的球员是亮星星,成名的球星就是太阳了。和所 有的体育项目一样,足球球员的结构也是金字塔型,处于塔 尖的“太阳”只是少数,大多
从小到现在,我一直受到你们太多 的关怀我常想:我真的得幸运!这么些, 年来有你们相伴。 春天又到了,那天我独自漫步,春风, 和着细雨轻柔的吹到脸上,很舒服。当我 拂去从发梢滑落到睫
开荒时我被草蛇 “撞了一下腰” 在巴西时,健力宝队的驻地在距离圣保罗市300多公里的郊外。商毅他们的宿舍就建在一个山坡上,宿舍的后面是一片好像永远也走不到尽头的原始森林,驻地
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