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为了筛选适宜北京市房山区秋大棚种植的番茄新品种,本试验对引进的9个番茄品种进行了比较试验,并为秋大棚番茄的合理栽培管理提供理论依据。试验结果表明,金棚1号产量最高,达4105kg/667m2,果实单果质量最大,达326.8g,2穗果果实大小均匀,植株长势强,抗病能力强,综合分析表现良好,适应房山地区栽培并应用推广。蒙特卡罗品种长势强劲,结果节位低,抗病能力较强,果实单果质量较小,适应市场多样化的需求。仙客5号植株长势较强,但是结果期易感染晚疫病,小区产量最低,不适宜大面积的栽培推广。 In order to screen new varieties of tomato suitable for planting in the autumn greenhouse of Fangshan District in Beijing, this experiment compared the introduced nine tomato varieties and provided the theoretical basis for the reasonable cultivation and management of autumn tomato. The results showed that Jinpeng 1 had the highest yield of 4105kg / 667m2, the highest fruit yield of 326.8g, the uniform size of 2 spike fruits, the strong growth of plants, strong resistance to disease, comprehensive analysis and good adaptability to the cultivation of Fangshan area And apply promotion. Monte Carlo varieties grow strong, resulting in low node, strong disease resistance, fruit fruit quality is smaller, to meet the diverse needs of the market. Cyclamen 5 plants grow stronger, but the results of susceptible to late blight, the lowest yield, not suitable for large-scale cultivation and promotion.
Background: The balloon-guiding catheter (BGC) reportedly reduces the number of retrievals and occurrence of distal emboli,achieving superior revascularization
班级是学校的组成单元,和谐校园要以和谐班级为基石。苏霍姆林斯基曾说:“学校好比一种精致的乐器,它奏出一种人的和谐的旋律,使之影响到每一个学生的心灵,但要奏出和谐的旋律,必须把乐器的音调准,而这乐器是靠教师、教育者的人格来调音的。”班主任是班级的灵魂和核心,应理所当然地担当起这个调音师的职责,让班级奏出和谐的旋律。  班主任要打造形象,先让学生欣赏自己  以良好的品行修养赢得学生之“信”。首先要心中
The introduction of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) has revolutionized the natural history of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, as the high rates of su
Liver transplantation (LT) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was characterized in its early experience by high recurrence rates due to extensive tumor burden (
有责任心的班主任,工作都是辛苦的,不可能有通常意义上的悠闲。这里,我提倡做一个“悠闲”的班主任旨在提高班主任工作效率、创新方法,于“悠闲”之中彰显管理驾驭能力。  一、学生找老师谈话,班主任变主动为“被动”  高中生的学习生活非常紧张,在思想、学习、生活、心理上常常会遇到很多困惑,或对老师、对班级、对同学有意见和建议,平时又不敢跟班主任说,心里就会产生疙瘩,久而久之会影响健康成长。我在班上建立了学
The association between chronic liver disease and diabetes has been known for long time, with reports in the literature as early as in 1952 (1). Currently, a bi