西瓜喷稀土 增产又增甜

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为验证稀土微肥(农乐、植素、农用稀土)对西瓜的增产增甜效果,黄晔市土肥站1991~1998年连续八年进行了试验、示范和大面积推广均证明:施用稀土微肥不但增产效果显著,而且可改善品质,提高西瓜甜度。据调查:施用稀土的西瓜可比不施的增产8%~164%,含糖量增加0.9个百 In order to verify the effects of rare earth micronutrients (agronomic, plant and agricultural rare earths) on the yield and sweetness of watermelon, Huangye Soil and Fertilizer Station was tested for eight consecutive years from 1991 to 1998. Both demonstration and large-scale popularization proved that application of rare earth microelements Fertilizer not only yield significant results, but also improve the quality and improve the sweetness of watermelon. According to the survey: the application of rare earth watermelon can be applied than the yield of 8% to 164%, 0.9% increase in sugar content
“散球”、“老化”产生的原因  1.选择品种不当菜花是半耐寒蔬菜。有些早熟品种,在北方低温条件下,只需很短时间就可通过春化。定植后,在花球较小时,短缩的花枝就伸长而产生“散