
来源 :植物检疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tai_2036580
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当前,旅检工作是依靠海关检查,我们处理的形式进行。我们的工作是被动的。如何能够在这种被动的情况下把好关,减少漏检,是每个旅检工作人员都在努力探索的问题。现就笔者在蛇口旅检一年的实践,谈谈自的体会,以供同志们参考。1.检疫和海关密切配合这要靠我们检疫部门多方面努力。首先,两部门的领导之间要相互沟通。对如何把好动植物及其产品检疫这一关进行充分交流,要让海关领导认识到海关协助检疫部门 At present, the travel inspection work depends on customs inspections and we handle the forms. Our work is passive. How to get a good pass in this passive situation and reduce missed checks is a problem that every staff member of the brigade is trying hard to explore. Now the author’s experience in Shekou’s one-year inspection and talks about his own experiences for reference by comrades. 1. The close coordination between quarantine and customs depends on the efforts of our quarantine departments. First, the leaders of the two departments should communicate with each other. To fully communicate the quarantine of animals and plants and their products, let the customs leaders understand that the customs assist the quarantine authorities.
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Sweet day,50 eool,50 ealm,50 bright, The bridal ofthe earth and the sky: The dew shall weeP吻fal ltonight, For thou 1lltlst die. 明媚的佳日,凉爽静谧, 天地也融为
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