Preparation of Rare Earth Hydroxide and Oxide Nanoparticles by Precipitation Method

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hellen
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A series of rare earth hydroxide and oxide nanoparticles have been prepared by precipitation method with alcohol as the dispersive and protective reagent. Transmission electron microscope (TEEM) images indicate that the particles are spherical in shape and smaller than 100 nm in size. The crystallite sizes of cubic Ln2O3 have lanthanide shrinking effect, while average crystal lattice distortion rates possess lanthanide swelling effect. The diffraction peak intensity of heavy rare earth oxide nanometer powders is remarkably stronger than that of light rare earth oxide nanometer powders. The variation of diffraction intensity with atomic number presents an inverted W type, forming a double peak structure. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrums reveal that Ln2O3 nanopowders have higher surface activity than that of ordinary Ln2O3 powders. The UV-vis spectra show that Ln-O bond of these particles is slightly blue-shifted, and its absorption intensity decreases. A series of rare earth hydroxide and oxide nanoparticles have been prepared by precipitation method with alcohol as the dispersive and protective reagent. Transmission electron microscope (TEEM) images indicate that the particles are spherical in shape and smaller than 100 nm in size. The crystallite sizes of cubic Ln2O3 have lanthanide shrinking effect, while average crystal lattice distortion rates possess lanthanide swelling effect. The diffraction of peak intensity of heavy rare earth oxide nanometer powders is remarkably stronger than that of light rare earth oxide nanometer powders. The variation of diffraction intensity with atomic Fourier presents infrared (FTIR) spectrums reveal that Ln2O3 nanopowders have higher surface activity than that of ordinary Ln2O3 powders. The UV-vis spectra show that Ln-O bond of these particles is slightly blue-shifted, and its absorption intensity decreases.
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我是一棵含羞草  云南省昆明市古幢小学四(1)班 李晓阳  我是一棵可爱又调皮的含羞草,有了主人的呵护,我从一粒小种子长成了一株茁壮的新苗,这让我很自豪。  就在今年春天,阳光明媚,小主人在花盆的土里挖个小坑,把我放在里面,再撒上一点细土盖好,浇上水,于是,我在土里的一生就开始了。  我在土里吸饱了水,一周之后就破土而出了。小主人见我探出头来,高兴得不得了,便更加呵护我了。他每天都给我浇水,施肥,
一、考纲要求1.城市化:城市的起源及发展;城市的区位条件;城市化过程及其产生的问题;城市地域结构及其合理规划。2.人口问题:人口的再生产;人口数量与环 First, the outlin