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越南,一个我们再熟悉不过的名字。一个让人感到酷热的国度。说到酷热,你可能首先想到的会是气候。车出友谊关,就觉得越走越热,山丘连绵,土地冒烟,蜿蜒的公路,茂密的雨林,经常会看到大群飞鸟掠空而过,时不时闻到一股一股的咸涩海风,告诉你是在紧挨着海岸线奔行。一路走一路看,一路酷热难当。船行湄公河,穿游三角洲,又是另外一种感受。河网密布,景色怡人,青嫩的稻田,累累的果树,热闹的水上市场,机器声隆隆的米粉加工厂,古铜肤色的精干小伙,明眸细眉的蒙面女郎,不经意间你会觉着周身涌动阵阵热浪。风情别样,酷热依旧。酷热不止乎气候。紧步中国之后,越南也大刀阔斧搞改革开放,其政策之活络,条件之优惠,有的比之我们更为大胆超前。几年间,由沿海城市及至河内、西贡(胡志明市),大兴土木,招商引资。商贾如趋光之蛾(西方报语),越南成为世界瞩目的地方,吸引外资的热土。经济热,市场热。看两组数据:官方统计,越南最近几年塑料工业年平均增长率为15%~20%,预计今后几年塑料人均消费量增长速度为25%~30%。你说热不热?想不想了解有多热? Vietnam, a familiar name for us. A hot country. When it comes to hot, what you might think of first is the climate. Car Friendship off, I feel more and more hot, rolling hills, the land smoking, winding roads, dense rainforests, often saw a large flock of birds swept away, from time to time to smell a share of salty astringent Sea breeze, tell you is running next to the coastline. Look all the way, all the way hard. The boat line Mekong, touring the delta, but also another feeling. River network, scenic, green and tender paddy fields, fruit trees, lively floating market, machinery rumble rice processing plant, bronze color of the lean guy, bright eyes and eyebrows Masked girl, inadvertently you will feel The whole body surging heat bursts. Different kind of style, hot still. Hot is not limited to the climate. After taking a tighter step toward China, Vietnam has also drastically opened its doors to reform and opening up. Its policies are active and conditions are favorable, and some are even more daring than ours. A few years, from the coastal cities and to Hanoi, Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), substantial projects, investment. Merchants such as the Light Moth (Western Newspaper), Vietnam has become a world-spotlight, a hot spot to attract foreign investment. Economic fever, the market is hot. Look at two sets of data: According to official statistics, the average annual growth rate of the plastics industry in Vietnam in recent years is 15% -20%. The per capita consumption of plastics is expected to increase by 25% -30% in the next few years. You say hot? Want to know how hot?
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