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近日,“中小企业服务日”在第五届科博会主会场-北京国际会议中心隆重开幕。来自美国、法国、乌克兰、瑞士和联合国工业发展组织的外国专家,国家经贸委、外贸部、科技部的领导,有关地方政府和服务机构负责人参加了会议。新华社、中新社、人民日报、中央电视台等85家新闻媒体的近百位记者,来自各地各行业的中小企业和服务机构的五千余位厂长、经理、专业人员参加了“中小企业服务日”活动。 国家经贸委副主任蒋黔贵、北京市副市长刘海燕出席开幕式,分别致贺词、发表讲话。开幕式由国家经贸委中国中小企业对外合作协调中心主任袁普主持。 蒋黔贵副主任在贺词中高度评价了举办“中小企业服务日”的重要意义,充分肯定了 Recently, the “SME Service Day” was grandly opened at the Beijing International Convention Center, the main venue of the 5th High-Tech Expo. Foreign experts from the United States, France, Ukraine, Switzerland and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Ministry of Science and Technology, leaders of relevant local governments and service agencies attended the meeting. Nearly 100 journalists from 85 news outlets including Xinhua News Agency, China News Service, People's Daily, China Central Television, and more than 5,000 factory managers, managers and professionals from small and medium-sized enterprises and service agencies in various industries attended the “Small and Medium Enterprises Service day ”activities. Jiang Qiangui, deputy director of the State Economic and Trade Commission and Liu Haiyan, vice mayor of Beijing attended the opening ceremony, delivering greetings and speeches respectively. The opening ceremony was presided over by Yuan Pu, director of the State Economic and Trade Commission for Cooperation of Chinese SMEs in Cooperation with Foreign Countries. Deputy Director Jiang Qiangui spoke highly of the importance of hosting the “SME Service Day” in his message and fully affirmed
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