Case study of a driven pile foundation in diatomaceous soil. Ⅰ:Site characterization and engineering

来源 :岩石力学与岩土工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangtt00
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Diatomaceous soils are comprised of the silica frustules of diatom microalgae that are present in marine and lacustrine environments throughout the world. Owing to their unique origin, diatomaceous soils are typically characterized by high intraparticle porosity, complex particle shapes, and uniform mineralogy, causing them to exhibit atypical physical and engineering behaviors. A substantial deposit of diatoma-ceous silt was observed during site exploration for construction of the Buck Creek Bridge on OR140 near Klamath Falls, OR, USA. A comprehensive laboratory and in situ testing program indicated that the diatomaceous soil possessed“non-textbook”engineering properties. Specifically, tested samples had high liquid limits (≈100%-140%) with natural water contents at or near the liquid limit. Geologically, the soil is expected to be normally consolidated, yet high apparent overconsolidation ratios (OCR) (≈15-40) were observed both in oedometric consolidation tests and through cone penetration test (CPT) corre-lations. Standard penetration test (SPT) results show a corrected standard penetration resistance consistent with a medium-dense sand (i.e. (N1)60≈25). CPT results include corrected tip resistances (qt) of approximately 7-10 MPa and excess pore pressures (u2) of up to 4 MPa. In CPT dissipation tests, pore water pressures (PWPs) returned to hydrostatic pressure in less than 1 h. In this work, we synthesize these seemingly disparate material properties in an attempt to infer appropriate engineering properties for the diatomaceous deposit at the Buck Creek Bridge and attempt to provide insight into the underlying reasons for the observed behavior.
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苏武,汉朝杜陵(陕西长安)人,武帝时出使匈奴,护送匈奴使者回国,不料,因为副使张胜参与了推翻单于的阴谋,单于把他们全部扣留了。  单于知道苏武是个人才,特地派汉朝降臣卫律设法劝降苏武。但苏武宁死不屈,当场拔刀自刎。卫律阻拦不及,苏武昏死很久才被医官救醒。  单于赏识他的气节,更想收揽他了,但终遭拒绝,于是将他幽禁在阴山的地窖里,不给饮食。  天冷下雪,苏武又饥又渴,吞咽雪块和披在身上的羊皮充饥,经