九十年前的九月十七日,在中国东部的海面上,发生了一场震惊中外的海战——黄海大战。爱国将领丁汝昌等率领北洋水师,英勇抵抗日本侵略者,在中国近代史上写下了英勇悲壮的一页。 最近,我在烟台采访时,适逢筹建中的北洋水师博物馆第一期工程竣工,对观众开放,即怀着浓厚的兴致,来到山东威海市的刘公岛,参观访问了这个博物馆。
Ninety years ago, on September 17, a sea war that stormed China and other parts of the world - the Yellow Sea War broke out on the sea in eastern China. The patriotic general Ding Ruchang led the Northern navy division and bravely resisted the Japanese aggressors and wrote a heroic and tragic page in modern Chinese history. Recently, when I interviewed in Yantai, the first phase of the construction of the Beiyang Naval Museum was completed and opened to the audience. With great interest, I came to visit Liugong Island in Weihai City, Shandong Province and visited this museum.