Dynamic Optimization Method on Electromechanical Coupling System by Exponential Inertia Weight Parti

来源 :中国机械工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsadzjh
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Dynamic optimization of electromechanical coupling system is a significant engineering problem in the field of mechatronics. The performance improvement of electromechanical equipment depends on the system design parameters. Aiming at the spindle unit of refitted machine tool for solid rocket, the vibration acceleration of tool is taken as objective function, and the electromechanical system design parameters are appointed as design variables. Dynamic optimization model is set up by adopting Lagrange-Maxwell equations, Park transform and electromechanical system energy equations. In the procedure of seeking high efficient optimization method, exponential function is adopted to be the weight function of particle swarm optimization algorithm. Exponential inertia weight particle swarm algorithm(EPSA), is formed and applied to solve the dynamic optimization problem of electromechanical system. The probability density function of EPSA is presented and used to perform convergence analysis. After calculation, the optimized design parameters of the spindle unit are obtained in limited time period. The vibration acceleration of the tool has been decreased greatly by the optimized design parameters. The research job in the paper reveals that the problem of dynamic optimization of electromechanical system can be solved by the method of combining system dynamic analysis with reformed swarm particle optimization. Such kind of method can be applied in the design of robots, NC machine, and other electromechanical equipments.
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笔者最近到一连队走访时,听一位机手讲,他的一台德特- 75型拖拉机的发动机,大修并短时间磨合后,正待准备投入春播生产。一日,机车在行走间,忽然发动机出现不正常的敲击声,停机检查,气