AbstractsGreat Powers in A New Era: Perceptions, Positions, and Interactions

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  Abstract: At a time of great changes of epic proportions in international relations, great powers are redefining their positions in the international hierarchy on the basis of their comprehensive national strength and recalibrating their strategic goals for the decades to come. For the first time since the Age of Exploration, the West is no longer the only dominant force in the global geopolitical and geoeconomic landscape as the inevitable rise of the developing nations has increasingly tilted the global balance of power in favor of the non-Western world. The mega-trend toward general peace, development, and win-win cooperation is unstoppable. However, the enlargement of the leading powers’ club or the replacing of old powers by new ones will still be a long and twisted process. Established powers are reluctant to share power and will do everything they can to delay and thwart the rise of emerging powers. The construction of a more just and equitable international order and global governance architecture is certain to involve a great deal of competition, compromise, friction, and accommodation. China will be a leading actor on the world stage by the mid-21st century. China’s mission in the lead-up to that point will be to have a better understanding of itself and the outside world, increase its overall national strength, advance its relations with other great powers and neighboring countries, contribute to world economic growth by promoting science and technology innovation, and strengthen its capabilities in global governance. As China moves closer to great power status, it should update its foreign policy philosophy and contribute more Chinese thoughts to the advancement of the welfare of developing nations.
  Keywords: new era, great powers, perception, interaction, Chinese diplomacy
  Data Nationalism: Rationale and Policy Influence
  MAO Weizhun and LIU Yishen
  Abstract: In international cyberspace governance and digital economy, data localization and data protectionism have become significant issues. As data are now regarded as a strategic resource, certain countries are competing for the data ownership through relevant policies, in which the data-relevant issues are gradually incorporated into nationalist discourses, giving birth to data nationalism. As a complex phenomenon driven by market, society, and state-related dynamics, data nationalism pursues the exclusive ownership of data resources, and exhibits the characteristics such as significant political responsiveness, state-centrism, and issues-domain extensibility, etc. It can be considered as a response to data globalization and great-power struggle for data. It exerts considerable influence on global digital trade institution, the agency of state actor, international cyberspace governance, and great-power interactions. China and the international community should recognize the inevitability of data nationalism, prevent its potential risks, accommodate its reasonable demands, protect the state autonomy of data governance, and restrain the possible tendency of isolation and politicization. They should also advocate responsible data nationalism, which endeavors to balance diverse goals including sovereignty, capacity, security, and interest, and promote global cooperation in data governance.   Keywords: data nationalism, data governance, data localization, international order, cyberspace
  WTO E-Commerce Negotiations and Global Digital Trade Rules
  KE Jing
  Abstract: The increasing digitalization of economic activity has not only helped usher in new models of e-commerce but also given rise to new trade frictions and regulatory conflicts, making it imperative to address these contentious issues within a multilateral governance framework. E-commerce negotiations within the WTO framework that has been launched are beset by long-running disagreements of economic, security, and cultural dimensions, and renewed geopolitical competitions among great powers. Results of the negotiations depend on whether the various parties can realize that the purpose of WTO reform has gone beyond trade facilitation to include addressing concerns over the global digital divide. Gridlocks can only be overcome when the lines between domestic policies and transnational policy coordination are delineated. Regulatory conflicts will only grow as long as there is not a sound multilateral framework to address the proliferating yet fragmented regional rules of digital trade. To advance China’s interests, Beijing needs to shelf its disagreements with other developing nations and stand with them in resistance to the unfair demands of developed nations. Besides, China should also strike a proper balance between national security concerns and cross-border data flows, and work with all stakeholders toward a unitary and equitable multilateral framework that will play to China’s advantage. The reduce the risks associated with regulatory conflicts, Beijing must also strengthen policy coordination with other countries.
  Keywords: digital trade rules, cross-border data flow, national security, WTO
  Chain of Islands, Space Control, and Hegemony: Western Pacific in U.S. Geopolitical Imagination
  GE Hanwen
  Abstract: Geopolitical imagination, conducted by specific ethnic groups and countries, is the overall judgment of the political and strategic importance of different geographical regions, which plays a key role in the formulation and implementation of specific countries’ foreign policies. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the U.S. geopolitical imagination of the Western Pacific Region has been based on the description of multiple geopoliticians, and become pivotal to the U.S. Asia-Pacific policy. Since the end of World War II, this geopolitical imagination has gone through different stages, yet the rationale behind the imagination remain consistent, including “The United States is a Pacific country” and naturally has “critical” national interests in the Western Pacific; the marginal seas of the Western Pacific, especially offshore islands (island chains), have irreplaceable strategic value and are essential for the United States to control the Western Pacific; U.S. leadership in the regional security order is an integral part of its global hegemony, which should never be allowed to be challenged by land powers of Asia, but intervention in the Asian continent, especially military intervention, requires careful consideration according to different circumstances. Nowadays, with the introduction of Indo-Pacific strategy, the U.S. geopolitical imagination of the Western Pacific is at a critical stage of continuation and transformation, which has become increasingly prominent in the formulation and implementation of U.S. regional policies and global strategies.   Keywords: United States, Western Pacific, geopolitical imagination, chain of islands, hegemony
  BRI Projects’ Geopolitical Risks: Concepts and Theorization
  ZHANG Xiaotong and XU Zihao
  Abstract: Geopolitical risks refer to the international political risks triggered by “geo” factors. More specifically, they are the risks created by state or non-state actors as they explore, shape, and compete for geographic spaces. The specific triggers of geopolitical risks include great power strategic competition, competition between sea and land powers, the struggle for control over geographically sensitive zones, and geoeconomic competition. These competitions are driven by differing strategic visions, ideological orientations, economic models, and so on. In an age of growing great power competition, geopolitical risks are increasingly posing formidable obstacles to the progress of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Not only must Chinese enterprises make economic calculations, but increasingly they have to be more politically attuned in host nations. The Chinese government, on the other hand, in facilitating its enterprises’ forays into foreign lands, should also better assess the political, economic, and cultural aspects of potential geopolitical risks the Chinese enterprises may encounter and come up with more country-specific prevention and control strategies.
  Keywords: Belt and Road Initiative, major overseas projects, geopolitical risks, inter-connectivity
  Regime Change in Countries along the Belt and Road Routes: Patterns and Ramifications
  ZHOU Yiqi
  Abstract: Internal regime change has become a key factor in affecting the smooth implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative. The countries along the BRI routes have two types of regime change: the extraordinary regime change and ordinary regime change. The extraordinary regime changes are rare but have profound implications, while the ordinary regime change are more frequent,  predictable, and manageable. Regime changes among BRI countries are cyclical, recurrent, and unexpected. This pattern is likely to repeat in the near future and certain to have profound implications for BRI’s sustainability. In the short term, regime changes will create considerable negative effects on BRI projects. In the medium and long term, the effects of regime changes on BRI projects depend on local political and social stability and the economic and political relevance of BRI projects to domestic political struggles of host nations. If the country after regime change can still maintain stability and continue to welcome China’s investment on BRI, the regime change may not affect China’s economic cooperation with BRI countries.   Keywords: Belt and Road Initiative, regime change, pattern, ramification
  U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: The ASEAN Perspective
  LIU Zhi and AN Dongcheng
  Abstract: The Trump administration’s Indo-Pacific strategy is the latest U.S. attempt to integrate the Indian and Pacific Oceans as a new geostrategic area where growing competition with China will play out in the decades to come. ASEAN, the key link that connects the two oceans, will be a major factor in the progress of the strategy. The are considerable consensus and significant disagreements among ASEAN members over the nature, objective, and implications of Washington’s Indo-Pacific strategy. Some have chosen to strengthen their bilateral and multilateral security relations with Washington while others prefer to keep a distance. Some have welcome deeper U.S. involvement in regional security issues while others remain doubtful. Some have embraced an open and reciprocal economic model and such Western values as democracy, human rights, and rule of law, that has long been promoted by Washington while others favor a more independent and autonomous path. This article proceeds from the intersection of international structural pressure and national imperatives to present an ASEAN perspective on Trump’s Indo-Pacific strategy. It argues that member states’ perceptions of the strategy can be classified into five categories, ranging from complete opportunity to outright risk. Differing views will make internal consensus impossible, further complicate the bloc’s relationship with the United States in general and its member states’ interactions with Washington in particular, and present new opportunities for Beijing to intensify its engagement with individual nations.
  Keywords: ASEAN, Indo-Pacific strategy, perception, typology
  Russia-ASEAN Cooperation: Progress and Prospects
  Abstract: As great power competitions intensify, Russia is adjusting its grand strategic design in a shifting geopolitical landscape by accelerating the implementation of its “Look East” strategy. In proposing a Greater Eurasian Partnership, Moscow is seeking to extend its geopolitical influence into the Indian and Pacific Oceans. ASEAN will serve as a pivot regional bloc in this new partnership and Moscow is stepping up its political and security engagement with ASEAN members to counter the effects of Washington’s containment strategy. For Russia, closer economic and trade ties with ASEAN, in the form of a strengthened Eurasian Economic Union under the Greater Eurasian Partnership and a Russia-ASEAN free trade area, is top on its economic agenda. For ASEAN members, closer relations with Russia help the bloc maintain its centrality in a region where growing competition has fueled geopolitical and geoeconomic tensions. Even as both seek more extensive political and security relations, low levels of economic interdependence remain the biggest obstacle to closer coordination on regional issues. Besides, as ASEAN’s interests become increasingly global and Russia resumes its position as a great power wielding growing influence around the world, factors beyond bilateral ties, such as South China Sea disputes, may also pose significant challenges for closer Russia-ASEAN cooperation.
  Keywords: Russia, ASEAN, Greater Eurasian Partnership, Eurasian Economical Union, prospects
〔提 要〕进入21世纪以来,中国与东盟国家防务合作不断向前推进,虽然与政治、经济合作相比,防务合作发展水平仍较低,但经过双方的努力,相关合作已取得长足进展,合作领域大幅拓展,合作方式从双边发展为双多边相结合,且更趋务实和机制化。在此过程中亦面临不少问题和挑战,如东盟“大国平衡”战略的掣肘,来自美、日、印等其他大国的竞争以及南海问题等。由于中国与东盟各国有深化合作的巨大动力,双方有望克服困难和障碍,
〔提 要〕权能分裂引发责权错配,成员国利益和价值分歧加剧团结和共识危机,以及政治和社会分裂产生的认同危机是欧洲一体化面临的三重深层困境。危机和困境不仅重塑欧盟一体化认知,促其日趋务实,还强化了次区域合作态势和意愿联盟的形成,推动“多速欧洲”成为一体化路径的方向性选择。但是,面对分裂的政治和社会形势,欧洲一体化的“多速”路径仍面临诸多不确定性和挑战。鉴于当前欧盟缺乏共同推动一体化的政治和社会环境,如
〔提 要〕受全球化、科技革命、中国海上力量快速发展等因素影响,近年来美国国内对海权进行新的反思,海权终结论让位于海权不可或缺论,马汉与科贝特的海权理论受到新的审视,技术创新对海权的影响被格外关注。与新认知相伴的是美国海军战略及相关政策的调整,从“由海向陆”转向“重返海洋控制”,扩大海军舰队规模,加强在印太地区的军事部署,确定“全域进入”新职能,将中国作为西太平洋海权的主要竞争对手。美国对海权的再认
〔提 要〕中亚地处欧亚大陆的中心地带,紧邻中国西北地区,是丝绸之路经济带陆上要冲,也是丝绸之路经济带的核心利益区。自中国在中亚地区首次提出共建丝绸之路经济带倡议以来,在中国与中亚国家共同努力下,丝绸之路经济带建设在“五通”领域收获了一些早期成果,同时也面临着中亚国家政局变数较多、贸易投资环境不佳、安全形势严峻以及大国竞争等一系列挑战。因此,在肯定成绩、正视问题的基础上,中国应秉持奋发有为、积极塑造
〔提 要〕来自中国与东盟的恐怖分子正在出现合流,主要表现在两方面,一是借道东南亚前往中东的中国偷渡者数量在增加,二是少数中国籍极端分子与东盟国家的恐怖组织共同在东南亚地区从事暴力活动。恐怖活动的新特征将中国与东盟国家的安全利益紧密联系在一起,要求双方重视反恐问题在地区安全对话中的紧迫性,加大政治关注与物质投入,采取更有效的反恐合作措施,推动相关机制构建。  〔关 键 词〕中国—东盟、恐怖主义、安全
〔提 要〕逆全球化在全球泛滥与全球化带来的社会分配不公、国家间发展失衡等问题密切相关,其折射出全球化发展历史规律:各国在全球化进程中获得的利益和面临的风险不同,其对全球化的态度在不同时期亦存在显著差异;全球化进程既有可逆属性,也有通过变革持续发展的潜质。逆全球化虽使全球化前行阻力加大、风险增多,但亦可被转化为全球化转型的动力,可通过观念更新、机制规范调整、注入新动力以及整顿运行环境等,实现普惠、包
共产主义以实现全人类的解放为终极理想,其指涉对象是全人类,但受到近代国家形态以及国际关系结构的影响,共产主义在现实世界中的事业载体与出发点是民族国家。因此,如何把共产主义理想与本民族命运结合起来,处理好本国与外部世界的关系,是每一个国家的共产党都必须认真思考并完成的理论课题与历史使命。中国共产党“从诞生之日起就是一个具有世界眼光的无产阶级政党” ,也是这条道路上的佼佼者。在成立之初,中国共产党在认
【关键词】新冠肺炎疫情 全球卫生治理 全球公共产品 金德尔伯格陷阱  【中图分类号】D81 R511 【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1006-1568-(2020)04-0042-18  【DOI编号】10.13851/j.cnki.gjzw.202004003  一百年前的全球性甲型流感疫情,造成世界上1/3的人口感染,5 000万人死亡。一百年后的新冠肺炎疫情,在短短几个月内扩散到全球约20