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国有企业改革是今年国家经济改革和发展的重中之重,是摆在全党和全国人民面前的重要而艰巨的任务。国有企业是我国国民经济的支柱,在我国经济发展中处于主体地位,起主导作用。长期以来,国有企业为国家经济发展、社会进步和人民生活水平的提高,发挥了重要作用。因此,搞活国有企业,不仅关系到国民经济的持续快速健康发展,而且关系到社会主义制度的前途命运。打好国有企业改革的攻坚战,必须全面贯彻党中央关于国有企业改革的一系列方针政策。最近,江泽民同志多次指出,要解决国有企业面临的困难和问题,根本出路在于深化改革,要坚持建立现代企业制度的改革方向,使企业真正成为适应市场的自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的法人实体和竞争主体。各级工会组织要旗帜鲜 The reform of state-owned enterprises is the top priority for the country’s economic reform and development this year, and it is an important and arduous task for the entire party and the people of the country. State-owned enterprises are the backbone of China’s national economy. They are in the dominant position in China’s economic development and play a leading role. For a long time, state-owned enterprises have played an important role in the country’s economic development, social progress, and improvement of people’s living standards. Therefore, invigorating state-owned enterprises not only affects the sustained, rapid, and healthy development of the national economy, but also relates to the future of the socialist system. In order to fight the tough battles in the reform of state-owned enterprises, we must fully implement the series of principles and policies of the Party Central Committee on the reform of state-owned enterprises. Recently, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out many times that to solve the difficulties and problems faced by state-owned enterprises, the fundamental way out lies in deepening reforms and insisting on the establishment of a reform direction of the modern enterprise system so that enterprises can truly become self-supporting, self-financing, self-development, and adapting to the market. Self-disciplined legal entities and competitors. Trade union organizations at all levels must take a good stand
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