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《中亚通史》中亚或中央亚西亚,是一个地理名词,它既非国名,也不是一个或几个政治实体之名。现在中亚分为五个共和国提前苏联时期的产物。本书叙述的范围,则是以中亚阿姆河和锡尔河西河流域作为中心,附带地涉及其周围地区。《中亚通史》共分四卷。《古代卷·上》叙述的是从远古旧石器时代到公元9世纪前期阿拉伯征服和统治时期中亚的历史;《古代卷·下》叙述的是阿拉伯帝国解体以后中亚各伊斯兰王朝的分合与演变,特别是中亚的突厥化和操突厥语各民族的命运,时间跨越约700年;《近代卷》主要叙述16世纪以后至1914年约400年间中亚的历史;《现在卷》叙述的是1914年至1991年中亚的历史。实际上,中亚现代史就是前苏联内部的中亚地域史。今天,我国正在进行社会主义现代化建设和西部大开发,与中亚各国的联系将更为密切。本书对于加深中国人民同中亚各族人民的互相了解,促进相互间的经济、文化交流,将起到积极的推动作用。 “General History of Central Asia” Central Asia or Central Asia, is a geographical term, it is not a country name, nor is it the name of one or several political entities. Now Central Asia is divided into five republics advanced the product of the Soviet Union. This book describes the scope, it is based on the Amu River in Central Asia and Syria West River Basin as the center, incidentally involved in the surrounding areas. “Central Asia General History” is divided into four volumes. “Ancient Volume Shang” narrates the history of Central Asia during the period of the Arab conquest and reign from the ancient Paleolithic to the early 9th century AD; the “ancient volume Shang Xia” narrates the division of the Islamic countries in Central Asia after the dissolution of the Arab Empire And the evolution, especially the Central Asia’s Turkic and Turkic languages, fates span about 700 years; “modern volume” mainly describes the history of Central Asia from the 16th century to about 1400 years after 1914; the “present volume” narrative The history of Central Asia from 1914 to 1991. In fact, the modern history of Central Asia is the history of Central Asia in the former Soviet Union. Today, our country is carrying out the socialist modernization and the great development of the western region and will have closer ties with various Central Asian countries. This book will play a positive role in deepening mutual understanding between the Chinese people and people of all ethnic groups in Central Asia and promoting economic and cultural exchanges with each other.
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北京医科大学第三医院,始建于1958年,迄今已建院整40年了。时值盛夏,北医三院院庆在即,记者赶赴北京,采访了该院的侯宽永院长和贾建文书记。 悠悠四十载 事业筑辉煌 记者:今