1973年以来,我区德保县甘沙屯,凌云县加尤三七场进行三七连续移栽试验,结果三七单产量比历史多年不移栽的提高29%,春三七占68.2%,亩产值增加229.3%。现报道如下: 一、试验方法1.起土贮藏时间冬至以后,三七植株假茎脱落,块根休眠,这时将三七块根挖起搬回房内,用砂或细泥藏好以防止冻坏或风干燥死亡,待来春再将块根在原地重新种植。2.原植地的整理挖出三七以后,将原植地上已朽的天棚草拆下,覆盖在植地表面,放火烧毁(注意不能
Since 1973, we have conducted a series of Panax notoginseng transplanting experiments in Gan Shantun, Degu County, Ganyu District in our district. As a result, the yield of Panax notoginseng increased by 29% over the previous years without any transplanting, and 68.2% , And the output value of mu increased by 229.3%. Now reported as follows: First, the test method 1 from the soil storage time After the winter solstice, notoginseng plant pseudostems fall, root dormancy, when the Panax lotus root dug moved back to the room, sand or fine mud hidden to prevent freezing Bad or dry wind and death, spring and then to be re-planting roots in place. 2. The original plantation After the excavation of Panax notoginseng, the plantation of the decayed canopy grass removed, covered in the surface of the land, set fire to (Note can not