
来源 :内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouqin1983
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通信原理是电子信息类专业课程中一门综合性较强的专业基础课.该课程理论性强、应用广、概念抽象、难度大、变化快,在教学中存在学生难学、教师难教的问题。对此,可以运用类比的方法进行教学,将抽象的概念和难以理解的原理与学生能够理解并接受的事物进行类比,使学生对知识的理解更加透彻,避开繁杂的数学推导,解决学生学习困难问题,从根本上提高学生学习通信原理的兴趣。 The principle of communication is a comprehensive and specialized basic course in the course of electronic information specialty.The theory of the course is strong, its theory is broad, the application is broad, the concept is abstract, the difficulty is big, the change is fast, and there are some problems in the teaching such as the students are hard to learn and the teachers are hard to teach . In this regard, you can use analogy method of teaching, abstract concepts and difficult to understand principles and students can understand and accept the analogy, so that students understand the knowledge more thorough, to avoid complicated mathematical deduction to solve student learning Difficult problems, fundamentally improve students interest in learning communication principles.
目的:通过临床资料的回顾性分析和随访,探讨早产儿支气管肺发育不良(Bronchopulmonary dysplasia,BPD)的高危因素、预测其严重程度的影响因素,评估近、远期呼吸系统及神经系
矿井采矿活动中 ,地表建筑物处于断层保护煤柱内 ,井田边界F5- 1 大断层产生的特殊的“滑移”现象 ,通过采取钻探和物探等手段准确确定断层位置 ,对各煤层工作面采用分层内错
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眼外伤(ocular trauma)是视力损害的主要原因,尤其是单眼失明的首要原因,其中常见的有外伤性视神经病变(traumatic optic neuropathy, TON),导致难以治愈的继发性或原发性视