去年地市合并以后,我局系统的快报和定期报表都要分别三套汇总.即市财政一套(市属全民企业)、省机械厅一套(市、县属全民企业)、集体企业一套.加之当时处于合并之际,一切交接工作尚未衔接好,基层会计报表素质较差,给汇总工作带来困难.面对此种情况,我们采取在全系统开展会计报表评比竞赛、定期检查、互学互帮等工作,迅速改变了局面,使各种汇总报表均在月、季末三日内报出,季度有较细的文字分析.我们的具体做法是: 一、要提高对会计报表作用的认识.过去有部份同志对会计报表的作用认识不够,马虎了事.我们于1984年11月组织企业财务科(股)长和编制
After the merger of the municipalities and municipalities last year, our bureau’s system of express and periodic reports must be summarized separately in three sets, namely, the municipal finance set (municipal-owned enterprises), provincial machinery hall set (municipal and county-owned enterprises), collective-owned enterprises Sets.And combined with the occasion was in the merger, all the transfer of work has not yet converged, poor quality of grass-roots accounting reports, to the summary of the work in the face of this situation, we take the system-wide competition in accounting reports, periodic inspection, Mutual help each other and other work, quickly changed the situation, so that a variety of summary statements are reported in the third quarter of the month, the quarter has a more detailed text analysis .Our specific approach is: First, we must improve the role of accounting reports In the past some comrades did not know enough about the role of accounting statements, sloppy .We in November 1984 to organize corporate finance division (director) and preparation