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河南安阳彩色显像管玻壳有限公司,是以国有资产为主导地位的中外合资企业。在组织现代化大生产适应市场经济的实践中,把引进与创新、转换经营机制与完善经营管理相结合,实行转、稳、严、硬、控、精、新“七字管理法”,使企业走上了良性循环,取得了显著的成效:1991年点火试生产后,经过几年的艰苦奋斗,攻克了268项技术难关,满足了用户超设计标准要求;彩色玻壳由引进的6个品种,靠自己开发增到14个,国内品种覆盖率达80%左右;生产效率超过设计能力25%,产量占全国70%左右,基本覆盖全国;在大量替代进口的同时,有效地平抑了进口玻壳价格,由原来玻壳占彩管成本的40%降到25%以下;在全国百家电子企业中,由1991年的第92位、1992年的第31位,跃到1993年一季度的第13位;1993年可完成销售收入8亿元,完成3.5亿 Henan Anyang Color Vision Tube & Glass Shell Co., Ltd. is a Sino-foreign joint venture with state-owned assets as its leading position. In the practice of organizing modernization, production, and adapting to a market economy, we combine the introduction and innovation, the transformation of operational mechanisms, and the improvement of operational management, and implement the “seven-character management method” of transfer, stability, strictness, hardness, control, precision, and newness so that enterprises In a virtuous circle, we have achieved remarkable results: After igniting pilot production in 1991, after several years of arduous struggle, we have overcome 268 technical difficulties and met the requirements of the user’s ultra-design standards; the color glass bulbs were introduced from the 6 varieties. The number of domestic developments has increased to 14; domestic product coverage has reached 80%; production efficiency has exceeded 25% of design capacity, output accounts for about 70% of the country, and has basically covered the whole country; while imports have been largely replaced, import glass has been effectively stabilized. The shell price was reduced from 40% of the cost of the original glass tube to 25% or less; in the 100 electronics companies in the country, from 92nd place in 1991 to 31st place in 1992 to the first quarter of 1993. No. 13; In 1993, sales revenue was 800 million yuan, and 350 million yuan was completed.
针对GJB 481—88《焊接质量控制要求》在贯彻执行中存在的问题,提出加强学习宣传;制定相应《补充规定》、《实施细则》和等有关的企业标准;抓住有利用时机为贯彻标准创造物质
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