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在自然生殖的范围内,对于没有生育能力的人来说,其生育权利和相应的生育责任不具有真正的道德价值和实在意义。生殖技术的发展突破了自然生殖的传统藩篱,给生育权利和生育责任带来了前所未有的道德冲击和伦理挑战。尽管应用生殖技术和拒斥生殖技术都会受到谴责和称赞,但是不应当囿于这样的道德悖论而裹足不前。实际上,生育权利内部的冲突蕴含着生育权利对生殖技术视阈的生育责任的诉求。生育责任源自行动者完成事件的因果属性,这意味着生育技术主体必须对其行为后果做出回应。这种回应主要有三大层面:人类实存律令赋予生殖技术的责任、生育技术自身蕴含的责任以及生殖技术应用的责任。因此,我们应当在把握生育权利和生育责任的内涵和二者内在联系的基础上,利用先进的生育技术正当地维系生育权利,勇敢地承担相应的生育责任,进而彰显出崇高无上的人性尊严和道德目的。 Within the scope of natural reproduction, the right to reproductive and corresponding reproductive responsibility does not have real moral value and real meaning to those who have no fertility. The development of reproductive technology has broken through the traditional barriers of natural reproduction and brought unprecedented moral and ethical challenges to reproductive rights and reproductive responsibilities. While the application of reproductive technology and the rejection of reproductive technology are both reprehensible and praiseworthy, they should not falter on the basis of such moral paradoxes. In fact, the conflicts within the reproductive rights contain the claim of reproductive rights for the reproductive responsibility of reproductive technology. Reproductive responsibility stems from the causal attribute of an agent’s completion event, which means that the subject of reproductive technology must respond to the consequences of its actions. There are three main dimensions to this response: the human responsibility to reproductive technology, the responsibility inherent in reproductive technology, and the responsibility to apply reproductive technology. Therefore, on the basis of understanding the connotation of the right to reproductive and reproductive responsibilities and the intrinsic relationship between the two, we should make use of the advanced reproductive technologies to properly uphold the reproductive rights and bear the corresponding responsibility of giving birth, thus highlighting the lofty human dignity And moral purpose.
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