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世界著名的学者李约瑟博士于1900年12月9日_出生在英国伦敦南区克拉彭公园洛茨路34号,一个富有的知识分子家庭。他一生事业辉煌,以研究中国科技史的旷古成就,赢得了世人的尊敬。1983年荣获中国国家科学技术委员会授予自然科学一等奖。同时授予中国社会科学院名誉博士并聘为该院研究生院名誉教授。李约瑟博士1994年3月24日病逝于英国剑桥,享年94岁。 World renowned scholar Dr. Joseph Needham on December 9, 1900 _ was born in London, South Clapham Park Lotz Road 34, a wealthy intellectual family. He has a brilliant career and has won worldwide respect for studying the ancient achievements of the history of science and technology in China. In 1983 won the China Science and Technology Commission awarded the first prize of natural sciences. At the same time awarded the honorary doctorate of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and hired as honorary professor of the Graduate School of the hospital. Dr Joseph Needham died on March 24, 1994 in Cambridge, England, at the age of 94.
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