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行业主管部门是计划经济时代的产物,随着计划经济向市场经济的过渡,行业主管部门的工作处于做也不是、不做也不是的两难境地。近几年来,从全国而言,行业管理体制的改革也在不断深化,有的地方改成了总会,有的地方成立了国有资产控股公司,等等。笔者认为,在市场经济建立和发展的初始阶段,行业管理工作仍然是重要的,行业主管部门还是需要的。因为它是政府的延伸,又不等同于政府;是企业的主管部门,又不同于企业,它要代表政府 The competent department of the industry is the product of the planned economy era. With the transition from the planned economy to the market economy, the work of the competent department of the industry is not a dilemma. In recent years, from a national point of view, the reform of the industry management system has also been deepening, with some places being converted into general associations, and some state-owned asset holding companies have been established. The author believes that in the initial stage of the establishment and development of the market economy, the industry management work is still important, and the competent department of the industry still needs. Because it is an extension of the government, it is not equal to the government; it is the competent department of the enterprise and it is different from the enterprise. It must represent the government.
国内特讯全国纺织行业工作会议提出下半年的中心工作遏制滑坡、控制总量、调整结构、深化改革MainTasksSetforthbyWorkingConferenceofNationalTextileIndustryfortheSecondHalfYear,... The domestic special textile industry work conference in the country
如果说,这二年改制的南平啤酒有限责任公司是一场模拟运行的话,而现在进行新的改制却是动真格的。公司将由一家国有企业,转变成集体股份合作制企业。 二年前,原南平市啤酒厂
据美国《预制食品》报道,芝加哥信息资源库对超级市场等销售网1992年第四季度到1994年第三季度的调查显示,以下几种食 According to the United States “prefabricated food
早在1994年初,该公司即计划在5至7年内投资5百亿日圆,用于建立合纤产品完整的生产线。这项计划包括设立一座长纤染色和织布厂、合纤生产厂;一座聚酯缩聚(Poly condensation)