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你也许想不到,有一天,一位坐在10层高楼窗明桌净的编辑部里的编辑,会收到一份民工寄来的诗稿和信件,自述其苦恋文学女神的坎坷,而这位民工作者,竟然就住在编辑部楼下幽暗寒冷的地下室里……在人们普遍遗忘了文学青年的时候,编辑忍不住深深地感慨。几年以前,有人还曾经戏言,说80年代的大街小巷,随便往人群中扔砖头,立马儿能拍倒一个乃至好几个诗人、作家什么的。而90年代的今天,当我们追时逐尚奔走在高楼大厦、公汽地铁中,我们突然发现人们手里不是幸,金橄证券报纸就是休闲杂志,而几乎.不见有谁一脸度敬捧读诗歌了。文学,在这个充瀚利益关怀的90年代处处碰盛,终于不再成为一种时尚,而寂然游走于时下的边缘地带. 如果说文学如海,那么文人就是冰山,如果说作家是浮出海面的冰尖,那么更多的文学,年.lJ是那海面下被沮没的巨大群落。然而,若没有他们的托升,登座冰山也必将沉落……北京颇有声名的某大学中文系94一l班。36人只有6个人当初是按志耳录取的,其余,昔由别的专业调配而来。相形之下,该校英语、计算机、国际金融等系.则人满为息.直若过江之唧。“一流学生学外贾,二流学生学工科,三流学生学教理,四流学生学人文。”人文学科因其附庸性而在世人眼中一坠千丈.文学青年在离校中的景观也已大不如前。 You may not think that one day, an editorial sitting in the editorial board of a 10-storey building would receive a copy of the manuscript and letters sent by migrant workers to quote his frustrations about the literary goddess, Civilian workers actually live in the gloomy cold basement of the editorial department downstairs ... When people generally forget the literary youth, editors can not help deeply feeling. A few years ago, some people once also joked that the streets and alleys of the 1980s simply threw bricks into the crowd and immediately they could shoot down one or even a few poets and writers. In the 1990s, when we chased each other and still ran in high-rise buildings and public transportation subways, we suddenly noticed that people were not fortunate enough. The Jinou Securities Newspaper is a casual magazine, but almost nobody saw the respect Read poetry In the mid-90s, where literary interest filled itself, it finally ceased to be a fashion and walked quietly on the fringes of the present. If literature is like the sea, then literati are icebergs, and if writers emerge The ice tip of the sea, so much more literature, years .lj is that sea was depressed huge community. However, in the absence of their escalators, the Mount Iceberg will surely fall ... Beijing is famous for its 94th Chinese class in a university. Only 6 of 36 people were originally enrolled in Chihli ears, and the rest were allotted by other professions. In contrast, the school English, computer, international finance and other departments. Then overcrowded. “First-class students learning foreign Jia, second-rate students learn engineering, third-rate students learn teaching, fourth-rate students learning humanities.” Humanities because of their paternity in the eyes of the world plummeted literary youth in the school landscape has also been Not as good as before.
2009年12月,加拿大总理哈珀对中国进行了正式访问。两国领导人就两国友好合作达成重要共识,表示要共同维护和巩固两国关系的民间基础,加强人文交流,增进两国人民之间的相互了解和友谊。中加关系正在迈向新的发展时期。  中加建交39年来,两国关系在几代领导人的推动和各界人士共同努力下,得到了较好的发展。目前,中加两国的民间交往变得越来越频繁,人员交往不断增加。中国已成为加拿大最主要的移民和海外留学生来源
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