
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Butterfly1982_2_2
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各种压力之下,中国的出路仍然在于改革。2012年初,展望未来一年的经济走势,回首2011年底的经济数据与政策,有喜有忧。忧患与机会共在。如果说2011年中国经济的关键词是控制通涨的话,2012年中国经济的关键词则是保增长。在收紧流动性、刺激生产乃至进口猪肉等商品平抑物价之后,中国经济的确成功地控制了通货膨胀,消费者价格指数在7月达到了6.5%之后持续回落。通胀回落伴随着经济增速的回落。2011年11月的中国制造业经理人采购指数是49%,达到了三年来的低点。一般认为,经理人采购指数为50%时,是经济荣枯的分水岭。 Under various pressures, China’s exit is still the reform. At the beginning of 2012, there are some worries about the economic trend in the coming year and reviewing the economic data and policies at the end of 2011. Worries and opportunities in total. If the key words of the Chinese economy in 2011 are to control inflation, the key word for the Chinese economy in 2012 is to maintain growth. After tightening liquidity and stimulating the production and even import of pork and other commodities to stabilize prices, the Chinese economy has indeed managed to control inflation. The CPI continued to drop after reaching 6.5% in July. Inflation fell along with the economic slowdown. In November 2011, China’s manufacturing managers’ purchasing index was 49%, reaching a three-year low. It is generally believed that when the purchasing index of managers is 50%, it is a watershed in economic prosperity.
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The project is supported by National Program on Key Basic Research Project.The main task of the project includes the construction of the Bamboo thermal neutron