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1林奇长得又高又帅,却有一个比较尴尬的职业——殡仪馆的化妆师,所以至今连女朋友都没有。无数次相亲失败之后,林奇想了另一个办法,他在一家网站上登了征婚启事,但在职业一栏里模糊处理了一下,只说是个化妆师。不久后,林奇就在网上认识了一个叫席培的女孩,和林奇只隔着一个海湾,特别善解人意,和林奇聊得非常投缘,两人简直是相见恨晚。于是,林 1 Lynch looks tall and handsome, but there is a more embarrassing occupation - funeral parlor makeup artist, so far no girlfriend. After numerous blind encounters, Lynch thought of another way. He posted a marriage note on a website but obscured it in the job field, saying it was a make-up artist. Shortly after, Lynch online met a girl named Xi Pei, and Lynch across the bay, especially understanding, and Lynch talked very touching, the two are just a hate. So, Lin
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