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世人常把美酒与诗歌并提,因为“未有诗人而不爱酒者也;虽不能饮者,其诗中亦未尝无酒焉”(元·方回《瀛奎律髓序》).其实,酒与中国古典小说也很有缘份.唐传奇,宋话本,明清小说, 有关酒的精彩描写随处可见,实为华夏酒文化宝库中一笔值得珍视的财富.名列中国四大古典长篇小说的《水浒传》,不仅是一部卓立千古的文学杰作,也是一部多视角和多层面反映古代民俗、民风的百科全书.其中,关于酒类、酒宴、酒礼、酒肆、酒旗、酒态、酒事、酒俗等的艺术描写几乎贯穿全书,美不胜收,成为阅读该书的读者所不可不留心的“文眼”.多的不说,仅回目与酒相关者便有“小霸王醉入金销帐”、“赤发鬼醉卧灵官殿”、“虔婆醉打唐牛儿”、“武松醉打蒋门神”、“杨雄醉骂潘巧云”、“活阎罗倒船偷御酒”,等等.据统计,《水浒传》里说到酒、饮酒、醉酒的有112回,描写醉态人物27次,提及的酒店达64家.这丰富的酒 The world often put wine and poetry and mention, because “there is no poet who do not love wine also; though not drink, the poem also did not taste no wine Yan” (Yuan Fangfang “Ying Kui law order.”) In fact , Wine and Chinese classical novels are also very fate.China Tang legend, Song books, Ming and Qing novels, the wonderful description of the wine can be seen everywhere, in fact, a treasure of China’s wine culture treasure worth treasuring .In China’s top four The classical novel “Outlaws of the Marsh” is not only a Zhuo literary masterpiece of the ages, but also a multi-angle and multi-level reflect the ancient folk customs of the encyclopedia.Among them, on the alcohol, banquets, wine ceremony, restaurants, Wine portraits, wine, wine, wine customs and other artistic description is almost throughout the book, beautiful, as readers of the book must be attentive to the “text eye.” Most do not say, only the eyes and the wine will have “Xiaobaba Wang drunk into the gold account,” “red hair ghost lying Wudang Ling Guan Temple”, “Pian Po drunk beat the Beat,” “Wu Song drunk Jiang Men God,” “Yang Xiong drunk Pan Qiao Yun”, “ Royal Wine ”, etc. According to statistics,“ Outlaws of the Marsh ”Speaking of wine, drinking, drunk have 112 , Describing drunkenness figures 27 times, up to 64 mentioned hotel. This rich wine
1.拖拉机下水田作业,要正确调整好轮距,采用人字防滑铁轮。犁耕时,轮距应调到最小值;旋耕时,轮距应调到最大值;其他作业,视作业特点和农艺要求调整轮距。 2.水田作业前,应观
女性的性欲就像是灵魂中的一块“黑暗的大陆”,是隐藏在一层层皮肤与肌肉后面的无人涉及的领域,是黑暗中的复杂。 Female sexuality is like a “dark continent” in the s
英国作家阿诺德·本涅特(Arnold Bennett,1867—1931)善于描写平凡的生活琐事,在平淡无奇中揭示生活中的诗意。其代表作《老妇谭》以写实主义手法表现出了作者的“女性意识”
要我谈饮料文化,忽然想到“门外谈禅”这句话。虽然我在饮料行业中工作,整天与饮料打交道,但是要把饮料与文化在头脑里结合起来,并付诸于文字,却也颇费周章。 由于工作关系,
杰兹金是瓦尔拉莫夫笔下的人物形象,毕巧林是19世纪俄国著名作家莱蒙托夫笔下的人物形象,二者在性格上有异曲同工之处,下面本文将在杰兹金与毕巧林性格方面进行比较分析。 J