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俑是用于丧葬的雕塑人像,二十世纪考古界有时也泛指性质相同的动物、神怪雕塑。桶作为人殉制度的副产品,是人的长生欲和占有欲的表现。从先秦起,采用俑殉葬的习俗,通过土葬制度传承和神仙思想的确认,变成规范的和等级化的礼教丧葬仪式。在中国雕塑史上、俑值得特别关注。 周朝官方沿袭古代葬俗,用茅草扎成人的形状作陪葬者,名叫象人、刍灵。孔子作为商王族后裔兼周朝礼制的捍卫者,推崇用刍灵殉葬而谴责用俑殉葬,意味着俑不是传统的随葬品。从春秋晚期起,用俑殉葬在中原和周边地区广为流行。历代制作桶的材料有木、陶、石、金、瓷等。宋代以后,中原地区多用纸做殉葬品,雕塑型的俑于是不再盛行。 Figurines are statues of burials used in funeral. The archeology of the twentieth century sometimes refers to animals of the same nature, sculptures of gods. As a by-product of human martyrdom, barrel is the manifestation of human longevity and possession. From the pre-Qin period, the custom of sacrificial burial of figurines, through the confirmation of the inheritance of the burial system and the immortal thought, became a standardized and hierarchical funeral ceremony. In the history of Chinese sculpture, the figurines deserve special attention. The Zhou Dynasty official followed the ancient funeral custom, with thatch adult shape as a bereavement, named like people, Ruling spirit. Confucius, the descendant of the Shang royal family and the defender of the ritual of the Zhou dynasty, praised the sacrificial burial of figurines by means of the sacrificial rites, which meant that figurines were not traditional funerary objects. From the late Spring and Autumn Period, the use of figurines buried in the Central Plains and the surrounding area is widely popular. The production of buckets of ancient wood, pottery, stone, gold, porcelain and so on. After the Song Dynasty, the Central Plains used paper as sacrificial objects, and sculpture-type figurines were no longer popular.
武汉大学信息资源研究中心陈光祚教授和他指导的两位博士生臧国全、阮建海对联合国教科文组织开发维护、推广的信息存储与检索软件Winisis已汉化成功 ,其汉化版命名为C-Winisis ,并编印了中
本刊北京消息中华人民共和国教育部于 2 0 0 2年 2月 2 1日以“教高〔2 0 0 2〕3号”文件印发了《普通高等学校图书馆规程 (修订 )》。教育部印发的修订《规程》,共 8章 41条
The present study aimed at investigating the effects of Puerarin(PR), a major isoflavonoid isolated from the Chinese medicinal herb Puerariae radix, on bone met