
来源 :四川草原 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qxy489354518
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《四川草原》创刊于1980年,为全国中文畜牧类核心期刊,2004年改为月刊。本刊以传播草地畜牧科技,开展草业科学技术研究成果及应用交流,繁荣草地科学研究,保护草地生态环境,利用先进生物科学技术推动草地畜牧业发展为办刊宗旨,坚持草业科技交流与应用科技推广相结合的原则。辟有“草地生态”、“草地资源”、“草业前沿”、“试验研究”、“牧草科学”、“草食动物”、“草种科技”、“草坪园艺”、“草业论坛”、“实用技术”、“海外草业”等栏目,欢迎国内外行业人士积极投稿。 Founded in 1980, Sichuan Prairie is the core Chinese animal husbandry journal, which was replaced by a monthly magazine in 2004. This publication to disseminate grassland animal husbandry science and technology, grassland science and technology research achievements and application of exchanges and prosperity of grassland science research, protection of grassland ecological environment, the use of advanced biological science and technology to promote grassland animal husbandry development for the purpose of running a journal, insist on grass industry science and technology exchange and Application of science and technology to promote the principle of combining. There are “grassland ecology”, “grassland resources”, “grassland frontier”, “experimental research”, “forage science”, “herbivores”, “grass science and technology”, “lawn horticulture” “Practical Technology”, “Overseas Grass Industry” and other columns, domestic and foreign industry are welcome to actively contribute.
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