,Hybrid-augmented intelligence:collaboration and cognition

来源 :信息与电子工程前沿(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ychhome
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The long-term goal of artificial intelligence (AI) is to make machines lea and think like human beings. Due to the high levels of uncertainty and vulnerability in human life and the open-ended nature of problems that humans are facing, no matter how intelligent machines are, they are unable to completely replace humans. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce human cognitive capabilities or human-like cognitive models into AI systems to develop a new form of AI, that is, hybrid-augmented intelligence. This form of AI or machine intelligence is a feasible and important developing model. Hybrid-augmented intelligence can be divided into two basic models:one is human-in-the-loop augmented intelligence with human-computer collaboration, and the other is cognitive computing based augmented intelligence, in which a cognitive model is embedded in the machine leaing system. This survey describes a basic framework for human-computer collaborative hybrid-augmented intelligence, and the basic elements of hybrid-augmented intelligence based on cognitive computing. These elements include intuitive reasoning, causal models, evolution of memory and knowledge, especially the role and basic principles of intuitive reasoning for complex problem solving, and the cognitive leaing framework for visual scene understanding based on memory and reasoning. Several typical applications of hybrid-augmented intelligence in related fields are given.
试验于2000年3-10月在甘肃农业大学作物栽培学与耕作学重点学科网室内进行,选取小麦/蚕豆间作为研究对象,利用盆栽、箱栽、池栽等手段,研究了二作根系生态生理特性在整个生育期的时空差异及氮磷肥供应水平对其调控作用,并结合产量进一步分析了该间作群体高效利用养分的根系生理生态机制。结果表明: 1.小麦/蚕豆间作具有明显的产量优势。各处理的LER都大于1,间作经济产量比...
本试验在常用的高产施氮水平(180 kg/hm2和150 kg/hm2)和高产基蘖穗肥配比(3:3:4)条件下,以2个中迟熟杂交籼稻(德香4103、宜香3724)为材料,研究了穗肥在倒4叶(促花肥)与倒2叶(